
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

30 April it’s been a long time

Running type exercise. *Legs exercise. *

I have been standing a lot more. It gets me sweating and gives my legs a good work out. 

Write every morning. 

Not the best but almost everyday still. 

Floss teeth 

Not as good as I should. 


Yeah, sure. 


I have been. I still need to do better. 

No robbing/borrowing from savings 

Not really

No Facebook until after budgeting is done *daily*

Not to great

Spend time in nature

I’m not sure what nature means in Brazil. If anyone has any suggestions I’m open to suggestions. 

Read Book of Mormon daily *Read New Testament daily*

Not bad at all. 

  So as some might know, today was my dads birthday. He would have been 80 years old today. I can hardly believe I would have a parent that old. 

So, I’m in Brazil and at the moment I am not loving it. Don’t get me wrong, I love so much here. But, the fact that some paperwork takes so long is driving me nuts. The fact that my wheelchair will only go certain places is beyond frustrating. I have a couple of ideas for new types of wheelchairs. So, I still have the idea when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But I will admit that sometimes the lemonade is harder to make than just letting the lemons fall to the ground around you. I am not the kind of person that just lets life fall apart around me. I may not move very fast, but that is not what counts. Do what you can do. The next time you will do a little bit better. Hopefully. 

I have tried to do countless things. But it seems like all I am able to do well falls to my tablet. I write, with one finger, still I write. I go very slow. But some people tell me I do ok. I want to use a stylus and draw. Even that is hard for me. It’s easier for me to use my fingers. Pen and paper or stylus and tablet are not easy for me. 

Those are some physical things but some other are hard. When I am riding in car here, in Brazil, I have to look out the side window. I guess this is like the US also. If I look out the front window I want to freakout. I think we are going to crash. My brain doesn’t let me look at things the way I used to. 

Physically, emotionally, mentally I’m a mess. Mentally I can still run circles around some people, but I have learned that most people want to think that they are the smartest person in the room. Personally, I don’t care how smart you think you are. Most people don’t care how smart you think you are. They want to know how much you care about them. The best way you can show someone how much you care is by letting them show you how smart they are and showing interest in them. I need to do this better. I become to much like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.

I just seem to be rambling on. I will stop now. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

26 April 2019........that might work

I am so tired of waiting. The legal process is so slow here. One thing, that wasn’t done correctly years ago, is taking a lot longer now. Very frustrating. 

I’m not a big fan of traveling. Even less right now. I would love to get out and see more things and visit more places. This country is not the most wheelchair friendly. It might be the only places I get to see are inside the house where I’m staying and the mall. It’s really hard to get around anywhere else. But I have an idea for a wheelchair that can be kind of like mine now but have bigger wheels so the chair can go more places. 

Maybe that is what I need to look into more. Designing wheelchairs that have wider versatility. I hate how I’m basically stuck in one place right now. I guess I better find a way to design and get started. 

Monday, April 22, 2019

22 April 2019.......make it so.

Running type exercise. *Legs exercise. *

I have felt really yucky this past week so I didn’t do much let’s try again. 

Write every morning. 

Almost nothing this last week 

Floss teeth 

I need to do better. I brush my teeth but not floss much. 


Yeah somewhat. 


Need to get the rest of the year still. 

No robbing/borrowing from savings 

Not bad.

No Facebook until after budgeting is done *daily*

Not the best but not awful. 

Spend time in nature

Not really but outside the church yesterday I was able to try skidding the wheels and go in circles. 

Read Book of Mormon daily *Read New Testament daily*

I don’t know why but I haven’t been reading my New Testament the way I want. 

So now that Easter is over I hope that things will go a little faster. Still, hope is not a method. It’s important to have hope but it is not a method of operation. Is an army unit going to say, “We will go to the intersection and hope it rains.” That would be ridiculous. An army has to work with what they have. In my situation I can only do so much. I’ve got to wait for others to do things. That is hard.

While I was reading General Conference talks this morning, it seems like president Eyring was explaining the Nature of reality. I can’t say enough. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

11 April 2019.......What if you are a manically depressed robot.

So I’m not sure how to share this right now. 

I am here in Brazil for business and pleasure. The business is taking a long time. It’s driving me crazy. 

This is a catholic country. The official religion is catholic. So right now leading up to Easter, everything is closed a lot. It’s terribly frustrating. I have everything I need, still we need to get other documents and that is hard. The places we need to get to go are closed on lots of days days before Easter. I never realized how many holy days there are leading up to Easter. It’s almost unholy I would say. 

Basically, I want to ask for faith and prayer, however you believe, so that we can get the paperwork we need here. I am not sure what to think. But any help you can offer and prayers you can send would be great. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

8 April 2019....d’ong

Running type exercise. *Legs exercise. *

I’m trying to stand. It is not the easiest. 

Write every morning. 

Not bad. 

Floss teeth 

Not really. 




Need to work on the rest of the year or two. 

No robbing/borrowing from savings 


No Facebook until after budgeting is done *daily*

Not bad.  

Spend time in nature 

Not really 

Read Book of Mormon daily *Read New Testament daily*


So, I have been doing some thinking. The last time I was in Brazil I was dehydrated. Bad enough that I had to go to the bathroom nonstop. I needed more water it my system. I may have to pee a lot but I don’t end up needing to crap all the time. 

Second thing is slightly related. It is hot and I finally have an air conditioner. It helps a lot. I’m not sweating all my water out. The heat is unbearable at times. My body was constantly fighting to stay cool. I would sit in front of the fan and if I left for anything, like going to the bathroom, I could feel my body starting to overheat and get so sweaty I couldn’t function. I was in Brazil when I was 20. That was a different part of the country. Further south than I am now. It got hot. It also got kind of cool. Even cold a couple of times. Here it is not cold, or even cool. It’s always hot. The human body my be able to tolerate the temperature here, but not my body. I can’t wait to see how my fiancĂ©e reacts to Texas. It gets hotter than here by a lot. It also gets colder by a lot. We will see when we get there. 

I had another concern before, because I was hungry all the time. That, I have no idea about but we will see. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

5 April 2019......

I have so much I want to say and share right now, I just don’t know what any of it is right now. I’m at my wits end right now.

Since it is so hard to lift my arms and type, I’ll stop now. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

1 April 2019.....only April fool is me.

Running type exercise. *Legs exercise. *

Mostly I’m trying to sit up as straight as possible and stand. 

Write every morning. 

I’m doing ok. 

Floss teeth 

Not really. Need to do better. 




Working on it. 

No robbing/borrowing from savings 

Hope things go better this month. 

No Facebook until after budgeting is done *daily*

So far so good. 

Spend time in nature 

It’s really tough here. For anyone that forgot, I’m in Brazil. 

Read Book of Mormon daily *Read New Testament daily*

Not bad but need to do better. 

So I am tired. I broke my rule about only doing things two days a week. I tried to go out three days in a row. My body cannot handle that. 

Now some sad news. I dropped my tablet and the screen cracked and shattered. My own fault. It just shows me that I need to find a very good cover/case. I’m a hazard to my own technology. But right now I am holding my screen together with packing tape. I had my doubts but the touchscreen still works and that’s good. 

I find it funny,  we got an air conditioner where I am staying. My fiancĂ©e thinks it’s to cold. Then she wraps up in my blanket and falls asleep. She says she doesn’t like cold but then she turns the temperature down colder than I do. For a person like her, that has lived in endless summer for so long, I don’t know. One thing about my Texas, it gets hotter there in the summer. During the winter, in Texas, such as it is, it gets colder than here. I still want to laugh, until I’m almost passing out from heatstroke because there is hardly any A/C. Then the joke is on me. 

So, I need to look online for a new tablet and case. If you have an idea for a case that’s great. I will go up to $100 maybe more. That’s less expensive than buying a new tablet every,  month/six months/year. I might like to pretend like I am rich, but not like that.