Running type exercise. *Legs exercise. *
I have been stretching a lot recently. It helps my legs.
Write every morning.
No because I have been so tired.
Floss teeth
Yes. It’s just hard to make a regular schedule.
No robbing/borrowing from savings
No Facebook until after budgeting is done *daily*
Not sure this is relevant now.
Spend time in nature
Not really. Its been raining a lot.
Read Book of Mormon daily *Read New Testament daily*
Not bad.
So I have been watching YouTube a lot and finding out about all kinds of things. I had ruled out some things. But I my try a couple of things because I have found an example of a jig that I could use. I really have to try. One thing that bothers me is trying to do to much. But trying to make something is better than watching videos all day. I think I should use more time by reading or writing. I may have to get more audio books. Also I need to try the voice recognition software that is built into my phone and tablet. we truly live in such an amazing period in time.
I am going to have to get over myself.
I feel kind of awful right now. Reflux. Going to the bathroom more than is normal or more than I want.
I am tired of every event is taking so long right now. I would tell you more if I could but I have to wait until Monday to find out information.
I am trying the text to type feature of my tablet. It doesn’t work very well sometimes. I have had to go back and change a lot.