So I feel I should offer some explanation of my perspective of the world.
First, I’m in a wheelchair. Since I don’t walk I see things from the perspective of a short person. About 4 feet when I’m sitting down. But at one period in my life I was a walking person, 6 feet 1 inch. You don’t see things, literally, when you are taller. But now that I am shorter, most of the time, I don’t notice everything up high.
That is one thing.
So, God and religion and science.
Now if someone where to ask me how and why an iPad or tablet works I might just say it’s magic. I know that some might try to explain a lot of technical terms. Usually that just makes things worse for me. If someone were to ask me, I would just say it does and that’s enough. If you want to call it magic you can. Some of our science today might look like magic to someone who lived 200 or 300 years ago.
Leonardo da Vinci said “Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.” I would say math, sciences; biology, physics, astronomy, geology, medicine, etc., etc. It’s all part of Gods handiwork.
Some people say a researcher must maintain a distance from what they are researching. That is all well and good if humans are not the subject. If you are just studying the human body cadavers work. Live humans with emotions, thoughts, feelings, etc., etc.
There are the hard sciences. There are the soft sciences. You may have your own definition for each. For me anything that involves humans very directly, while they are alive is more of a soft science. At some point relationships are involved. Humans are not merely animals. Yes, some traits are similar to animals but that is a different story.
So, intelligent design my not be a widely accepted theory. That hardly means it’s not valid. As valid as The Big Bang and Evolution.
Intelligent design
Math needed
Biology needed
Physics needed
Geology needed
Astronomy needed
Astrophysics needed
Human physiology
Animal physiology
I would say you would be hard pressed to find a science that might not be relevant.
Big Bang
A big explosion happened a long time ago and everything just started to happen.
All life in its current form got to be the way it is by chance, lucky or otherwise.
Is the Big Bang real? Possibly. Is evolution real? Possible. I would say it is much more likely that some kind of intelligence caused the Big Bang and selectively used evolution.
I know it’s not a widely accepted belief. But saying that it’s not science shows some arrogance and I would say some ignorance. Science, Pseudoscience. Honestly. Two apples that fell from the same tree. It just depends on where you are standing or sitting.
How did it all happened, who knows. Assuming that we as humans have all the facts, is arrogant at best.
Now, I would say, we as humans, have been trying to make square pegs fit in round holes. Ultimately leeks will occur.
Now about creation. Some people say 6 day and on the seventh day God rested.
But how long was Gods “day”?
In 2 Peter 3:8 “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
Also, a book and scripture of my religious tradition.
“And the Lord said unto me, by the Urim and Thummim, that Kolob was after the manner of the Lord, according to its times and seasons in the revolutions thereof; that one revolution was a day unto the Lord, after his manner of reckoning, it being one thousand years according to the time appointed unto that whereon thou standest. This is the reckoning of the Lord’s time, according to the reckoning of Kolob.” Abraham 3:4, Pearl of great price.
So maybe 6,000 years creation? But how much time was between each “day”? Who knows exactly.
So, just my thoughts, maybe the first day or thousand years the earth was formed. Then God left for a time, before he came back for the second day or thousand years. Kind of similar to a construction crew will pore a cement foundation but would not finish the rest of the house until they are sure the cement is set and ready.
So to create anything takes time. Like is said “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Things take time. One thing I am grateful that having a stroke has taught me is some things take time. I love next or same day delivery in the modern US society. The US and many other places are so much the exception. I can order some things and Amazon delivers them the next day. I can order my groceries online and have them delivered in three hours where I live. The thing is, most things take time. Before day two how much time past?
My understanding is God works within law. We don’t understand all the laws that he does. He can make things happen that defy human explanation. That doesn’t mean it’s magic. Does not mean there is no explanation. Just means we don’t have the knowledge and understanding at the moment.
Can I definitely prove my belief. No and regardless of what you believe, no matter how much scientific information you have, no one can prove I’m wrong. That is where faith and hope have to work on us individually.
What I can do is love my neighbor. All the stuff I mentioned before I think is fun, and in someway is important but. How am I treating my neighbors. Am I helpful or just making myself feel better.