So, to start with I am getting fat. It’s been happening for about two years. Before that I never got hungry or full, now I do. It is very hard for me to exercise and I get very tired of apples, the only fruit that is durable enough for me to store for any meaningful time.
I have been growing my beard from a year now.
I was watching a ZZ Top video the other day. I think the one guy has three years of growth. I’ve got my work cut out for me if I want to get there. I would like to be able to get it into a pony tail or braid it. I was looking at a picture of Joseph F Smith. That beard he had was probably two or more years of growth. Here a few photos of my beard as it’s been growing over the past year.
I deleted over 4,000 photos my children made. They weren’t even real photos. They. We’re screenshots. Fun stuff when you take them. Clutter.
I have tried not to look at Facebook and I haven’t followed the news for a while anyway. This presidential election has been a fiasco. It has always been about the blind leading the stupid. Who is which? Take your pick. Candidates? Voters? News media? Senate? Representatives?