In a nutshell, I hate masks. I wear one when I need to. I try to avoid going anywhere I have to use one. I really think they are pointless. Nothing more than public theater. I feel like I am suffocating. I had a similar feeling when I was in the army and I had to wear combat boots for extended periods of time.
I decided to get the vaccine because I needed to go with my boys when they got it. I don’t worry to much. I’m boarder line, a walking experiment anyway. After I spent my years in the army, I’m probably lucky I don’t have three arms and an extra head.
I had to go to the Emergency Room last week. Not fun. I had a kidney stone. Hurt like hell. They gave me medicine to dull the pain. I could tell I still had pain but at least it was tolerable. I was able to drift off to sleep for a while. When I woke back up I felt better, drugged, but better. The kidney stone had passed. Now I just had to wait for the ER to finish other stuff. I didn’t leave until 1:30 in the morning.
I decided to look up kidney stone prevention. On the kidney association website. One of the first things they recommended is drinking lots of water and not sweating excessively just because you can.(ie, saunas)I find that funny because one person I know thinks drinking water will cause kidney stones. It doesn’t eliminate the risk entirely, but it sure reduces it.
I have known people who act like if they don’t drink their body weight in soda, at least every year, they aren’t healthy. I seriously question that.
Still I’m the living fluke. By all reasonable measures I should be dead. I’m past year eight now.
I feel rotten. It is probably because I just recently went through such an ordeal. I still want to go places and do things. My body needs time to recover. More time than the average person. I remember several years ago, after my stroke, I went thee places on day. It took me the next two days to recover. I have had to learn that lesson repeatedly.
I had a thought recently and I will try it. I am going to read and study each of the standard works concurrently. I have more than enough time. There are lots of study resources out there.
Then I keep having the thought that I need to write a book. Get some of the thoughts in my head out in an organized manner. I am pretty sure it will be a slow process. I will try to keep you informed of my progress.
One thing I have noticed is that TV is such a time suck, a waste of time. I get so much done if I don’t have it on. I have tried to avoid most television this last week. I have gotten so much more done. My cousin let me know about a movie he thought I should watch on Netflix. I don’t have Netflix anymore.
Honestly I don’t mind just sitting there with my own thoughts. Maybe sitting outside for a while. I have been watching YouTube. That gets old quickly. I want to go and try some things I see.
I just got a notification from Church News about temples reopening. I need to find someone to help drive me.