
Monday, August 16, 2021

16 August 2021……my say

Everyone that voted for Joe Biden is responsible for higher gas prices.

Everyone that voted for Joe Biden is responsible for the border situation. 

Everyone that voted for Joe Biden is complicit in the fall of Afghanistan.

Monday, August 9, 2021

9 August 2021….no you can’t die. Not without permission

Is the CDC a 100% reliable source for information? 

They do provide good information. Still some of the recommendations recently do seem suspicious. 

Can infecting others it be minimalized? Maybe. 

How? Who knows. 

I am personally very dubious about masks. One of the reasons, they ride up on my face, because of my beard, and cut into my eyes. That might mean I will run over someone in my wheelchair, or crash into a wall.  

My big view is if you die, or I die, or anyone else, someone will cry and life will go on. The amount of time that a person cry’s after someone dies is mostly irrelevant. My father died over 25 years ago, I still cry at times. Not the point. 

Still anyone could die at any moment. With no warning. We could walk out of our house, countless things COULD happen. Could doesn’t mean they will happen. 

I remember a poster from many years ago with some tongue in cheek humor. I would say it should be taken more seriously. 

“ Surgeon General Warning: Doing anything, at anytime, at anyplace, with anyone, may be hazardous to your health.”  

Strictly humor, or words to live by?

Point is almost anyone can make their own life or everyone else’s life unbearable. You can’t worry to much. Once you stop breathing there are no do overs. 

Now I am truly confused how some people in the medical field are almost maniacal about how everything is so horrible. We are not to bad. I’m sure some doctors and Nurses that work on the front lines are bombarded. I honestly am not worried. When the bodies start pulling up in the streets, then we should worry. 

Some people might not like me saying this. We should all be thanking former President Trump for leading the effort to get the new vaccine out so fast. Granted there were countless doctors, researchers, technicians, and others who deserve praise and credit. Everything was done in record time. 

Overall a vaccine exists now. I got it and my boys got it. I haven’t grown any extra arms yet. If I start doing anything weird, like wanting to eat raw meat, I will let you know. 

Are your children really in any danger. No. According to the suspect CDC. But let everyone get their vaccine dose if they want it. It will have a pacifying effect on the population plus you won’t feel like you are going to hell if you go out in public without a mask. (I am probably going to hell anyway so if you end up there look me up.)

So if you work around carona virus people all the time, after you scrub yourself down to your neurons, go out in public for a while. (Some of us like dancing with the bodies that are piled in the streets.) 

Wait you say there aren’t any bodies in the street. You say that according to the CDC only about 500 people died last week. That’s an average of 10 per state. Those numbers include the territory’s as well. Damn. So if you’re sick with the rona you are most likely to recover. There go my plans for early death by getting sick. 

But you say you want to pretend you are never going to die still. 

Oh heaven help us. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

4 August 2021……I can’t believe it’s been a month

I have been thinking. I love my father and always will. He is my “Dad”. Right now, do not appreciate one thing. 

I am the oldest of my siblings. I got to be around him and my mother the longest of all my siblings. I got to see much of the good and bad of who my dad was. One of the things I do not like and am very glad I don’t have the ability to keep doing since a stroke is be a “pack rat”, if you don’t know what that is I would say a person that keeps almost everything. A borderline horder. I used to keep lot’s of stupid things. Of course it is good to keep some things. Not as much as my dad or l used to keep. 

In many ways I am lucky I had a stroke. I was able to find people to help me sort through the stuff I had. I threw a lot away. I donated a lot. I had to change my wardrobe. For me it is so much nicer being able to not have stuff. 

I do have a storage unit. I had to move lots of stuff quickly, so getting a storage unit was the easiest answer. I wear lots of T-shirts and other pullover type clothes. Wearing a beard is so much easier than shaving, and so much more comfortable. It helps the winter to be less cold and the summer to be less hot. Insulation both ways. 

But back to my dad. I love the house where I grew up. An old Victorian house. At the time it was originally built, way before me or my parents were born, it was considered a mansion. Then my dad built eventually built a huge garage, almost as big as our house, next to our house. Then he always wanted some old cars like he had when he was growing up. Add to that he wanted a garden with lots of different kinds of things. The garden area we had was enormous. Plus some things were perennial. Grapes, onions, rhubarb, plums, etc.  in many ways I led a very charmed life growing up and I never realized it. 

My dad grew up on a farm in a very small town. Smaller than where I grew up. In many ways I like that town a lot. Still the whole county were my dad grew up, last time I checked, only had one stop light. I was in that same area for college also and at the time the stoplight wasn’t there. The town I grew up in was bigger, it had stoplights. 

So in a way I think my dad was escaping the tiny town he grew up in, and took a step up in the world as he saw it. 

That said, there was one problem. My dad was a school teacher. 

At the time he started teaching, not a bad thing to do by any stretch of the imagination. For a long time he was single and didn’t have a care in the world. Then he decided he would buy a furniture store. Great. From everything I understand he had a great eye. He made things look good. My early years I don’t remember anything but the furniture store. 

Then my dad got a job teaching. This was new to me. Mom said dad had been a teacher before. I don’t know anything about before. I do remember her and my dad talking to someone and my mom saying that their income was cut in half, almost overnight, because people weren’t buying furniture or most stuff to go in there house. So me and my siblings mostly knew our dad as a teacher. I actually had him as one of my teachers in jr. high. 

Now, I had a father that was a school teacher, but he had these dreams that could not be supported on a teacher’s salary. Especially when you have 3 children, and will eventually have 3 more. Still, I grew up happy. I have no major complaints. Sure, I complained at the time, I was young and stupid. Still, I’m writing about more of a realization I have come to very recently. The reason I mention my past is because everyone is influenced to some degree by what happened in their past. And what my dad chose before I was born. 

So I was raised in a very big house. Things did not go well for my dad in many ways. The job he eventually landed in, he was good at, but it did not allow him to live the lifestyle, I think he would have wanted for himself or his family to live. 

That has left me with some very unrealistic ideas about money, houses and many other things. 

I have never understood the concept of money very well. I do a little more now. Money has always been a very abstract, almost absurd concept to me. I never understood how much money it takes to do certain things. I blame part of that on the fact that I grew up in the house I did. We had so much. I thought everything about the way I grew up was “normal”. Things about how I grew up were far from normal. I never understood that at the time. 

Money was not a concept we discussed, unless it was to say we didn’t have enough, or we can choose what we would go without. 

One thing I want my children to understand better than I ever have is how money works. 

I want them to understand better than I have the concept of money. It’s only taken me about 45 years. 

If they go to college minor in business or marketing. College is not required to earn money. In fact, I would say in this day and age college is almost a detriment. Education of some kind is a must. It doesn’t need to be college. 

Learn to keep a budget. 

Pay your tithing. 

Learn something about investing. And do it every month. 

Save as faithfully/Religiously as though you were paying tithing. 

Don’t have a stroke. But join the military or become a millionaire before the stroke comes.