
Thursday, November 18, 2021

18 November 2021……ugh

I was taking some ibuprofen gel caps. 

Somehow it went down the wrong tube. 

After a few minutes the capsule opened and liquid ibuprofen got all over my windpipe. Hurt like hell. 

That was a week ago. I’m starting to talk better but my voice is still weak. 

I just got done ordering food. I can handle a delivery fee. A tip is no problem. The prices have gone up. I can give you one guess why. All I can say is “Let’s go Brandon”

I really don’t care, for the most part, if you claim to be Democrat or Republican. I know great people that claim both.  Generally, at a local and state level they are both pretty good. There are a few exceptions. My city for example. 

National politics is the realm of the insane. But it’s sad that most people only want to focus on it. I guess it is entertaining at times. I would call it cheap, but we all know how much money they are allowed to play with and who’s money it ultimately is. 

I had my children help me with my tomato plant. We pruned it and got it standing upright. I am excited for what may happen. The plant is a purple Cherokee. So the fruit will be purplish or reddish purple.  Then I have decided that I am going to make ketchup. Maybe some other kind of sauce or stewed tomatoes. I am not a big fan of raw tomatoes. I rarely eat them. Things made with tomatoes I love. Salsa, sauce, and other things. 

I was looking at a lot of different kind of tomatoes online. It would be different to have a white tomato, and make white ketchup. Maybe I will try that after the plants I have are finished producing.

I think the weather here is good for growing tomatoes. And peppers. Right now it is beautiful. I will go out and sit outside look at my plants. Maybe trim them. I have 5 tomatoes on my tomato plant and my pepper plant is loaded. I might get to give some away for Christmas. 😁


I think I was meant to live in Texas. Utah was nice when I was younger. I have a hard time imagining myself living there now. Especially in the winter. Especially in a wheelchair. Can you imagine a person in a wheelchair there in the winter. Talk about taking your life into your own hands. If I didn’t have metal studded tires there it would be impossible to go outside because of snow. If I did live in Utah it could only be in the summer. Some places it Utah are to expensive, and I question why you would live there. At the time Brigham Young and the pioneers arrived there, great. Maybe up to the 1950s. Anything since then. Naw. 

Most cities that are similar to areas in Utah, population wise, I used to say if you live there, at some point it time you lost a bet. I’m willing to go a little bit further now. The bet was most likely with God. You had zero chance of ever winning the bet you made