So my children and I made pizza last night. It was fun. I just think thy skimped a little in some toppings. We will go heavier on the toppings next week.
I am so tired of most people, myself included, think most news is real. Fox, MSNBC, CNN, Reuter, Atlantic, Federalist, etc. It is all cheap cheesy entertainment. I am pretty sure I prefer more expensive entertainment like Amazon prime or Hulu.
I will admit most things on the news are sensational. Every once in a while you get something worthwhile. Like Denzel Washington once said, if you don’t watch the news you are not informed. If you do watch the news you’re misinformed. I choose not to be informed. Most of the time. You can get more reliable news watching Game of Thrones or maybe the new season of The Orville.
Personally, I really enjoy MASH. It started before I was born. It ended when I was in fourth grade. It is still better than almost everything.
I have been thinking a lot. Dangerous I know. Still, this is my little parable or whatever about life.
Personally I hate videos games. It might be something about how I was brought up. I know, and have known, many people that like video games. I do understand that some good can possibly come from video games. I still don’t like them. I can see better ways to spend your time.
That said even though I don’t like video games, I like people who play them.
I don’t have to like video games to like you. In fact if I ever do meet a new person, it is most likely, not because of a video game.
Bottom line. I can like you and still not like the video games you like.