
Thursday, December 29, 2022

29 December 2022….sigh of relief

My life entails watching to many YouTube videos lately. 

COVID is a pathetic joke. I can go almost anywhere but in a few select buildings, a few select places, and a mask is required. Why? I can go to the cafeteria in the building and take off my mask, I can take off the mask to get a drink. I sat in the hallway eating a muffin and drinking hot chocolate. And I didn’t wear a mask once until I had finished my food. Miraculously I did not die as I went to my next appointment. 

If you go to the grocery store, there is a plexiglass screen between me and the cashier. But the cashier touched everything that I already touched in my cart. Then the person who helped bag my items I am purchasing touches lots, if not of the items. Then I take the items that have been touched, to my car, then to my house. If a person uses a grocery delivery service, someone loaded all the groceries in there car, then may have walked into my apartment. 

If any person has a compromised immune system for whatever reason, maybe you need to stay home more. Ask everyone not to enter where you live. Wear a plastic bubble suit when you go into public for whatever reason. Don’t eat or drink when you leave your home. 

One other thing about watching videos on YouTube is that I start to think I have more capacity than I do and I want to do things I don’t have the capacity to do. 

I have been watching videos about CNC for both metal and wood. I would love to make most of the projects I see. 

I don’t have the physical capacity. 

Most of the projects I want to do are very messy.  The setup is almost as involved as the projects themselves. I always forget about cleaning. Not because I don’t think it’s important, it is in many ways the most important, but hardly anyone I know thinks about clean up for a project. 

I don’t think about cleaning, beforehand, nearly enough. CNC routers look fun but the actual work that goes along with the is most likely beyond me. 

Plus I don’t have the space for most equipment because I live in an apartment. I can’t setup in a garage because I don’t have a garage. Cleaning up by myself is impossible. I need to be able to move my wheelchair around so organizing and having a clutter free environment are very important. 

I was talking with a friend and lamenting the difficulties I have moving my wheelchair everywhere in my apartment. He was confused because, at first glance, most people might say I have an almost immaculate apartment. In many ways I would agree. That said, if someone leaves their shoes, in a seemingly out of the way place, I still run over the shoes in my wheelchair or can’t get through.

 I don’t set up a traditional Christmas tree. I have one designed, using tinsel and lights on the wall. A real tree uses to much space. A few to many boxes or suitcases, that have not been put away and I am essentially “locked” in one location. Presents are starting to take up space now, but that will change soon. 

So, some of the activities that I think I would like to do use to much space. I don’t have the physical capacity to do them myself. 

I’ve come to the realization, AGAIN, that I need to spend most of my time DOING what I am CAPABLE of. Writing and typing on my tablet, designing different ideas I want to realize someday. I still have things that I want to do, but right now I need to think about what I can do by myself. 

I know people want to help me, but somethings, like going to the bathroom and some other things, a person just wants to do themselves. I said going to the bathroom because a few years ago, people had to change my diaper, and then after some time I started to use the toilet again by myself. 

So once again this world is stupid, and I can’t do a lot of things by myself so, there goes life again

Saturday, December 24, 2022

24 December 2022……wow

So I was just watch The Ramsey show. He brought up the story of the Prodigal Son from the Bible. 

In the story/Parable the father welcomes the son back with open arms. But one thing I never realized, the father never ran after the son. The son had basically said when he ask for his inheritance, “father you are dead to me.”  So MENTALLY he had killed his father and taken the father’s money. The father did not go running after his son. 

 After the father saw the son returning the father ran to meet the son. The son was returning on his own. That is when the father went to him. 

This just helps me understand that running after a wayward child is not wise. Running to someone that IS coming to you is worth running to them. 

I am seeing some of what is written between the lines on some of the stories in the Bible.  But I’ve has some help. 

I was also reading C.S. Lewis, the book Mere Christianity. After hearing what has been quoted by apostles I came to a section about the Lords Prayer. It is interesting how it relates to other times the the Lord refers to Himself and others. 

“…., I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

Matthew.” 20:17

But in the Lord’s Prayer it is “Our Father….” Almost like it’s just me and the Savior. He is asking His Father and my Father. He is presenting us to the Father. Not because we have done anything ourselves but Christ is making up the difference. And because Christ is making up the difference it is “Our Father”. Christ and me. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

18 December 2022…..the most______time of the year

I was watching YouTube and the person mentioned “tax holidays”. I am not a fan. The only reason for “tax holidays” is to convince people to spend money. 



Of course that is why they exist. 

The government wants people to spend money. 

So let’s just say you need $100 dollars worth of stuff. Any normal day you pay an extra $10, $9, $8, $7, maybe $6 in tax for the stuff you buy. But on a “tax holiday” You don’t pay the tax on select items. You still might pay tax. 

So why have a “tax holiday”?

Just so us peasants will buy things. 

It helps everyone feel like they are receiving a good deal. 

It makes everyone want to go shopping. 

That is exactly why I don’t like tax holidays. Everyone thinks they are getting a good deal. If you like fighting crowds, and saving maybe 10% on what you are going to buy anyway. 

Personally I hate navigating my way through crowds. I like people. I hate crowds. Mostly because I have a very difficult time in my wheelchair, and most people are not on the lookout for a person in a wheelchair. 

Anything that businesses do to convince more people to be there; Veterans Day discounts, tax holidays, sports events, etc., etc., I readily try to avoid. The crowds and frustration are not worth the pittance of savings.