
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

11 October 2023….fun to think about once in awhile

I have my opinions about the Book of Mormon history. 

Most events took place in the northeast of the United States and southeast of Canada. 

The Gadianton robbers were in the Rocky Mountains mostly. The Lamanites lived in the southeast mainly east of the Mississippi River and from Tennesse south. 

Ultimately exactly where everything happened is of secondary importance.

I was watching Come Follow Up on BYU TV. During the program one lady said Alma the Younger might have been in his 40s when he had the experience with the sons of Mosiah and the angel appeared to them. That got me thinking about how old the people of that time period my have been

The only two people that are given ages at the time they died are Alma the Father, who died at 83 and King Mosiah, who died at 62. (Mosiah 29: 45-46)

Then Alma the younger disappeared 18 years later. 

Alma the younger’s son, Heleman, died 17 years later. 

The son’s of Mosiah went on their missions for 14 years and then not much is ever hearer from them again. 

If you assume Alma the Father, Alma the younger, King Mosiah, and the sons of King Mosiah were born, with somewhat “traditional” spacing, Alma the younger was closer to the age of King Mosiah than the sons of King Mosiah. 

But if we assume that Alma the younger was almost the same age as the oldest son of King Mosiah that would assume his father, Alma the Elder, was about 45 when his son, Alma the Younger ,was born, and Alma the Younger was about 50 when he disappeared. Alma’s son, Helaman who is most famous because of the stripling warriors, died when he was about 45.


Personally I really think the ages of everyone does not matter as much as the fact that we have their teachings

That said I like the idea that Alma the Younger was older, 40 maybe 50, because it can give me hope

If Alma the Father was born first, king Mosiah was born when Alma the father was about 20 years old. 

Then maybe Alma the Younger was born maybe five years later. 

 Maybe 15 or 20 years later the sons of Mosiah started coming and it could have been 4 to10 years for them to be born. 

By the time the sons of Mosiah started coming Alma the younger could have been 15 maybe 20 years old. 

If Alma the younger had his son Heleman when he, Alma the Younger, was 25, Helaman would have died when he was 65 or 70. Alma the younger would have disappeared at age 75 or 80. 

Is it possible?


Alma the father and Alma the son would have had similar life spans, Helaman probably had a more stressful life because he was in the military and lived through a war. 

There are many other possibilities. 

The exact timeframe doesn’t really matter. We have their teachings and it can fun to think about the other stuff from time to time. 

Do I know where everything happened. No. I have my ideas. 

Ultimately it doesn’t really matter the exact lifespan of individuals. We have there teachings and we can learn about Jesus Christ. 

Monday, September 11, 2023

11 September 2023

So I’m not the biggest 9/11 fan. I have my own opinions about the whole day in 2001.

But  here we are 22 years later and I have seen almost nothing. 

Three posts on Facebook was all I saw in five minutes of scrolling. 

Was 9/11 an inside job or not. Doesn’t matter. It is a day to help remember our country, The United States of America. 

I’m afraid most people are more concerned about their entertainment in their lives than anything else

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

22 august 2023…

I did a thing. 

Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful. 

Facial hair is a must. 
Natural sunscreen and cold defense. 
If you don’t grow a beard and can your a sucker. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

10 august 2023…..Trump was/is right

I was thinking about what a “friend” on Facebook posted a few years ago. 

It went something like this. 

“I’m not saying your a racist, but if you support Trump, you the friend of a racist.”

I question that kind of “Logic”. Take a slightly opposite saying. “I’m not saying he’s a black man, but he is friends with a black man.”

Some of the people I like best in this world are from “races” different than my own. By the way, my race is Viking. A Viking in a wheelchair? That’s probably an oxymoron. 

We, in the Union States, are living in a banana republic. I would love to have someone prove me wrong. 

Disney makes stupid movies. About the last good on was Lilo and Stitch.


Thursday, July 20, 2023

20 July 2023……:)

I used to love Disney. 

It had the best adaptations of classic stories to film via animation. Animation has given freedom to tell stories in magical ways for years. The possibilities of animation are becoming limitless and more lifelike all the time. I would dare say that a movie could be made and nothing would need to be live action and nothing would need to cause a risk to an actor’s health or safety. 

That said, there is a new live action adaptation of Snow White. ? Snow White is an olive skinned Latina. ? The “Dwarves” are not dwarves and are multi racial. ?  From what I understood, the evil Queen is more beautiful than Snow White. ?

So I will say this. I don’t like what Disney does anymore. Disney bought Star Wars made two good films, The Force Awakens and Rogue One, then everything magically turned into crap. 

I still love most of the classic stuff. One of my favorites is The Cat From Outer Space. 

I know that I can’t do anything but complain, and that is worth less than the time it takes to write it. 

Still I probably won’t be going to Disney anymore. That said, if someone similar to the man Walt Disney becomes the head of the company again, maybe it will be worth something. Walt Disney, the man was flawed in many ways. This world needs more flaws. Everyone is human. I’m sick of people acting like they shit solid gold bricks. 

There is to much stupid, idiotic stuff in the world. 

So anyway my beard is a very important part of my life. The hair for my beard is so curly it is somewhat hard to care for. I have a hairdryer brush that I like to use. The only difficulty is me using it myself. I could. My wife does much better. Then after a few days I gets shorter. If I take a shower it gets really curly and short. 

I have this desire to shorten my beard. That said I want to grow my beard until I can wear it in a ponytail. Still it is a pain because it is so curly. 

But, I think a beard is one of Gods greatest creations. It can protect from the heat and sun. You can’t sunburn the hair. Also It stops your face from freezing. Outside or in the freezing house because of air conditioning. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

29 June 2023….life sucks, then you die

An open letter to “prince Harry”, Mr.  Mountbatten-Windsor

You have really dug yourself into a hole. 

In many ways I don’t care about you anymore. After you got married and decided to move the United States, you lost any of the worth you had. You had a very hard childhood because your parents got divorced, your mother died, and you got press spotlight for every step you made, good or bad. Life sucks. 

So now you have two children and a wife that has barely grown up, you find yourself living in a country that barely recognizes your title. Because you left your native country, your grandmother would not use you for some official events and your father, God bless him, has essentially demoted you in similar fashion. 

I love following the royal family. There is so much that is good that is done. You are not a member of the royal family anymore. 

You live in a country that doesn’t have royalty. Royalty is recognized in other countries, but you and your wife chose to not be part of that anymore. 

So, to use a phrase, “Shit, or get off the pot”. 

Do one of two things. Live in the states, drop the title, let your wife, go to work like she wants, she can get an agent, try to find jobs, you can be a stay at home dad and help raise your children away from the public eye.


Go back to Great Britain, beg your father to let you back in the the family you start working as a royal again. You don’t want your wife and children to go out, so they can stay home most of the time. You can go and be a working royal again. Going out by yourself most of the time. 

Maybe, become a duke that does nothing but maintain your land holdings and become the person you want the world to be. 

You were born to be a royal. You have few other skills.  I hope you become a worthwhile person.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

20 June 2023… is hot.

Mark14:7 For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: ….

Abraham3:19 And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all.

I have been studying money. I have been listening to audio books, one specifically by Rabbi Daniel Lapin. I very much like everything that is in the book. 

So it gave me some new insights. 

Basically how money is very good and it is good to work for money to help others. 

One thing I noticed was him referring to the New Testament. (Kind of weird a Jewish rabbi referring to the New Testament.) Still, he mentioned the passage about the poor always being with us. 

That got me thinking about the other scripture in the Book of Abraham. It is specifically referring to intelligence. I think we could say God is the richest and there are always people that fall under him as far as wealth goes. 

Taking these two scriptures you could say that everyone is more poor than God. So the poor will always be with us. I may be rich but most likely, there is someone else who is  richer. In comparison there are lots of “poor”. For example, Donald Trump is rich. Most people are poor compared to him. Still there are people that are richer than him.

There are the richest people in the world. If you compare most people to them, to Donald Trump, he is poor. If I put someone that makes $200,000 next to a billionaire who is poor. So everyone is poor compared to someone else.

I hate the way things are happening in this country. I hate to say it but I think the United States is becoming a banana republic. One political party saying and doing whatever they can co discredit the other party. I think organized political parties should be banned. I don’t know exactly how, but something could be done. Maybe political parties can not be part of national politics.

 So a little about my goals. 

Make bread every week. 

We are making bread every week. I cannot praise homemade bread enough. Eating store bought bread should be a crime. 

Floss my teeth daily. 

I’m doing much better. 


 Grow chilli peppers and trees.

The lemon tree is wow! 

I have bell peppers. I harvested the seeds from mini bell peppers I got at the store. So mini bell peppers might be a very recessive trait. Only regular bell peppers are formed when the seeds are planted. 

I had a Japanese maple but for some reason it died. It was doing very well. It got very cold at Christmas time. Then it was doing well for a while. Now it is a stick in the dirt. 

Exercise at least every other day. Spend time out of my wheelchair.

I do my standing up it really can hurt some of the standing muscles I have not used regularly in years. 


Help Hildete study English, at least one hour every day. Help her learn enough English so she can get a job as she would like and so she can go to the nail salon by herself. 

I really want to help my wife learn English. It seems very difficult to pin down a specific time every day. And I really want to help her get a job and go to the nail salon. I’m not sure how to help best. 


Work on money daily at least five minutes; budgeting, planning, or accounting, where did the money go, daily and make sure I am saving. Learn to be a good Jew, about money. 

I have been able to keep working on my money. It is easy once you get it started. Put together a budget/plan. Then I do accounting during the month. Make sure every dollar is going to the right place. 

Avoid Television as much as possible, listen to audio books, or spend time writing.

Television has a terrible hold on me. 

  Well, I think I have been helped a small bit. My TV stopped producing a picture. The sound seems fine. So that means I need to consider getting a new TV. It might actually be a good idea not to have a TV.  


Learn poker. Several different games and help my wife and children learn it. 

I really think this is a good idea. We have just not been doing it. I have been feeling very crummy on the days after I do a lot. It is actually very fun. 

Study gospel topics, Book of Mormon, General conference, Old Testament, New Testament, Doctrine & Covenants.

This is something that I do ok with.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

16 May 2023……and now for something completely different, almost


So I am getting the feeling I need to do my writing different. That said I will give you an update about how I am doing with some of my other goals and stuff. 

Make bread every week. 

     I had my wife help make bread last night. It is awesome to have fresh homemade bread. Anything store bought pales in comparison.

Floss my teeth daily. 

     For the most part I’m doing well. I hope to have my teeth for years still. 


 Grow chilli peppers and trees

      Everything has been doing well. We have had lots of rain. That is good. 


Exercise at least every other day. Spend time out of my wheelchair.

      So people know, for me standing up is exercising. Also if I’m standing I’m not in my chair. I always have had grandiose plans. K.I.S.S.



Help Hildete study English, at least one hour every day. Help her learn enough English so she can get a job as she would like and so she can go to the nail salon by herself. 

     This is hard for me because I get the impression Hildete doesn’t want me to help. I am ready to help if she wants. Granted, I get sucked in by my own stuff sometimes, so, I don’t know. 


Work on money daily at least five minutes; budgeting, planning, or accounting, where did the money go, daily and make sure I am saving. Learn to be a good Jew, about money. 

     Working on money seems to be a favorite hobby of mine. 

If anyone knows the Dave Ramsey teaching money management, I highly recommend it. Also, the Rabbi Lapin, information is very good.  God wants everyone to be rich. That way we can all help each other better. In a slightly related subject. I had some rolls of quarters and rolls of dollar coins. They were just in a paper box. They went missing. The problem is I didn’t secure them by locking them up. I can be upset because someone took them, but ultimately it was my responsibility to secure them properly. Tough lesson. 

Avoid Television as much as possible, listen to audio books, or spend time writing.

    Television has a terrible hold on me. 


Learn poker. Several different games and help my wife and children learn it. 

      I want us to play more. Still it can be hard sometimes. 


Study gospel topics, Book of Mormon, General conference, Old Testament, New Testament, Doctrine & Covenants.

          Reading general conference talks is easy. Other stuff gives me more trouble. Still, I download an app with several versions of the Bible. I thought that I would look at and read the Jewish version of the Old Testament. Jesus and all the original apostles were Jews and were taught in the Jewish ways and traditions. Going with that thought, to come closer to the understanding of the Savior, the writing of everything leading up to His time will help. 

So I will only be posting some of my goals here monthly, or so. I think I need to work on other things that I can post here. Most people probably don’t care about all of the details of my life, so that will be less frequent.

Friday, April 21, 2023

21 April 2023……this world is stupid if you don’t look away.

What is your thoughts. 

WHY do people think they can’t love someone they disagree with. 

I wear fingernail polish. Does that make me unlovable. 

Now more important thoughts. 

My plants.

 Lemon tree. (Lemon drop). Half lemon half kumquat. 

I have been sitting here looking at my lemon tree. I finally got it repotted. I got past blooming and now tiny little lemons are starting to grow. 

The palms

They were volunteer. I bought some soil for a tomato plant, and the soil was based on coconut/palm trees. They got bitten by the cold at Christmas time, but they are coming back strong. 


My mom gave me this one because she was moving back to Utah. It’s a tough plant. It was killed by frost and cold the past three years. But it comes back. I had some wonderful people from church help me repot it so hopefully we are good for at least three more years.



After my moms husband died I wanted my children to honor him. This is the Grandpa Larry tree. Grandpa Larry loves avocados. The cold last Christmas time froze the leaves off, but it’s coming back with vengeance. 


This is one of the impulse buys I have allowed myself to make. Walmart can have very cool stuff sometimes. 

Catnip and chives

The catnip has really taken over. The chives we don’t know how to use properly.  My cat loves the catnip. But I have been told it can have a drug like effect on cats.  


We started six seeds. We got four. Who knows what will happen. 

Potato (I think)

It started growing so my wife start watering it. Then I put the tomato cage around it because it was falling over. 


these should be mini bells. We started with 5. Two died. So we will see what happens. It’s been sending out lots of flowers and growing a lot. 

Then I have three other pots that are just sitting and waiting at the moment 

My marvelous wife keeps things watered nicely. I can do it but it is a very slow process by myself. 

So. I love to sit outside with my plants. Watching them grow day by day can help me have a more realistic view of how life goes. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

14 April 2023…….ugh. Just ugh.

Week 7

Make bread every week. 

      So my wife discovered one of the bread loaves made with olive oil. It was very crumbly. Butter works better. 


Floss my teeth daily. 

          I’m doing ok. 

Grow chilli peppers and trees. 

        My plants are all growing well. The leaves are still coming out. I have peppers that are budding. One of my trees is starting nicely. 


Exercise at least every other day. Spend time out of my wheelchair.

          So I have decided that I need to plan to go to the gym every other week right now.  Some things can’t stop, they just need to slow down. It is so difficult to go somewhere everyday. 


Help Hildete study English, at least one hour every day. Help her learn enough English so she can get a job as she would like and so she can go to the nail salon by herself. 

         I try to help with English study. It seems like driving study is more important to her right now. I’m ok with that. That said we need to study like we are one a mission. 

Work on money daily at least five minutes; budgeting, planning, or accounting, where did the money go, daily and make sure I am saving. Learn to be a good Jew, about money. 

         I set an alarm for different things to do every day for my budgeting and accounting every week. Maybe I need to spend more time, an hour maybe, studying and planning other things that I can do to to prepare how to invest my money. My budgeting I need to spend more on future plans. I don’t do well at planning at times. But planning is the an important part. That said I need to follow my plan. Last year I did not follow a plan. It got me in trouble for a while. That said being in a wheelchair and not having full use of your body, expenses pop up. 

Avoid Television as much as possible, listen to audio books, or spend time writing.

          I need to spend more time on audio books. Maybe I will try more fantasy. 


Learn poker. Several different games and help my wife and children learn it. 

      We have not been playing this week. Ugh. Maybe we should play early in the day. 


Study gospel topics, Book of Mormon, General conference, Old Testament, New Testament, Doctrine & Covenants.

          Not to bad this last week. It’s been fun seeing the new general conference talks. I loved Easter. I have been loving some of my studying. 

I hate not being able to drive some days. I was referred to a health care provider that is 30 miles from where I live. In another county. The bus system I normally use doesn’t go there. Fine, I found another service to take me. The first time I went great. I just called today for next week. They have a ride that could take me there, but they haven’t found a ride that can bring me home. 

So,I will call tomorrow I will see if I can finalize setting up my ride. 

Life has so many things trying to grab my attention. One thing that has been fascinating to me is eating. There are so many different diet schemes.

Vegan,vegetarian, some vegetarians eat milk products, some eat fish, some eat birds. There is paleo. There is carnivore. 

I am so confused by all of the different things I have seen some days. 

I can’t be vegan. I like bacon and steak to much. Cow meat was made to make your stomach, and thus you, happy. 

I have discovered people that can’t eat raw vegetables. I’ve know people that can’t eat cooked vegetables. My wife has difficulty with lots of different things. 

My conclusion there are almost as many dietary needs as there are people in the world. Most food is social. Most of us limit our selves to the food that is close to us. Oh well. Humans are creatures of habit. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

4 April 2023……happy First Contact day , bro.

Week 5

Make bread every week. 

     I really don’t need to make more bread this week. I made twice as much last week. I haven’t noticed a difference in olive oil or butter. I will let you know later. 

Floss my teeth daily. 

     Maybe I need to eat more corn on the cob, so I have a “reason” everyday. 


Grow chilli peppers and trees. 

     My trees and chillis are growing great. The weather is weird lately. 


Exercise at least every other day. Spend time out of my wheelchair.

     I need to spend more time standing up. Plus I don’t understand why I am so tired lately. 


Help Hildete study English, at least one hour every day. Help her learn enough English so she can get a job as she would like and so she can go to the nail salon by herself. 

     We have been working some. We have been working on a lot of driving stuff. 

Work on money daily at least five minutes; budgeting, planning, or accounting, where did the money go, daily and make sure I am saving. Learn to be a good Jew, about money. 

     I have been working on lots of different things. I feel like I need to buy things. Almost like there is a water leaking though a dam. But nothing happens if you don’t buy something immediately. The sun still sets. The sun still rises. I have been reading and listening to Dave Ramsey. Figuring out how to pay off my debt and start saving. It is very interesting. “Debt is dumb.”  I really truly believe that a house is the only kind of debt that is worth having. I still want to be a good Jew/Israelite and understand how more of the the Bible teaches about money. 

Avoid Television as much as possible, listen to audio books, or spend time writing.

     I need to do better. I watch TV because I am so tired that I don’t know how much I would be able to pay attention to audio books and writing can take more energy than most people realize. 

Learn poker. Several different games and help my wife and children learn it. 

    I played five card draw and blackjack with my wife. I find it interesting how excited someone can get about 10 cents. That is part of my goal. Easy come easy go. It’s just small amounts of money. We will move to higher amounts of money over the next weeks. 

Study gospel topics, Book of Mormon, General conference, Old Testament, New Testament, Doctrine & Covenants.

Not good 


Week 6

 Make bread every week. 

     I was wrong last week we ate 4 loaves of bread fast. Didn’t notice any difference between bread with butter mixed in or bread with olive oil. So that’s that we did have to mix some bread last week. 

Floss my teeth daily. 

     Some days I do well and mostly not to well. 


Grow chilli peppers and trees. 

     The trees are doing well and getting more leaves. New leaves are still coming out. The chillis are growing nice I need to repot some grapefruit I started from seed. I love how things grow. 

Exercise at least every other day. Spend time out of my wheelchair.

     I have been not wanting to do a lot, again. I am trying to stand more and sit up straight every day. 

Help Hildete study English, at least one hour every day. Help her learn enough English so she can get a job as she would like and so she can go to the nail salon by herself. 

     Again, mostly driving stuff. My wife signed up for the Spanish language course, we both thought there would be enough similar to help. There is a lot between Spanish and Portuguese that they are similar. That said there is so much different that we can both get very confused. I can help with some Spanish words because they are part of the culture here in San Antonio. So, are we studying English or Spanish. 

Work on money daily at least five minutes; budgeting, planning, or accounting, where did the money go, daily and make sure I am saving. Learn to be a good Jew, about money. 

     I have been working on my money most days. It is easy to forget if we have to go somewhere. But I am hoping to start investing and saving more very soon. I have the idea to only have debt on a house if I can. Anything else cars, education, anything else try to avoid debt like the plague . Some may say, “you have to have debt for your education.”  Bull. I new a lady when I was in college who would skip college for a semester or two to save money. Then use the money she earned to pay. Then me. I used the Army to help pay for my masters degree.  Education doesn’t mean just going to college. Education, very important. College/University, less so. 

Avoid Television as much as possible, listen to audio books, or spend time writing.

     I need to do better. Any ideas?

Learn poker. Several different games and help my wife and children learn it.

Use small amounts of money. We will move to higher amounts of money over the next weeks.

    In some ways we might still be recovering. So no we didn’t play this week. 

Study gospel topics, Book of Mormon, General conference, Old Testament, New Testament, Doctrine & Covenants.

     I have decided I want to write. Threrefore I need to do it first thing. Reading and listening to scriptures is slightly less intense for me. I just need to set alarms on my phone to remind me to do it better. 

So I have this problem. I get so tired I don’t want to do anything. I feel like I have to drag myself to the bathroom. This morning I had to get up to go to the bathroom. In my mind I wanted to go back to bed after. It requires so much energy to get into and out of my wheelchair. I will sit on the toilet for thirty minutes, an hour, or maybe longer. There are days I can be fast. Then there are the other days. On the other days I’m just there. 

I have so many thoughts that go through my mind recently. All sorts of topics. 

Nothing bothers me more than how people are so cruel to each other. Most humans have their other favorite humans, but that doesn’t go to the rest of the world. I wish I understood why most humans feel they have to force their ideas on others.  Share, if someone doesn’t like the idea maybe the next human will like the idea. 

I have so much I want to say but everything is fighting to come out at once. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

29 March 2023……wow

I have been watching senate hearings of Secretary Mayorkas. In listening to what he says to the senators I would say he is trying to gas light the senators. 

Wow. How can anyone be as thick as Mayorkas. 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

25 March 2023……ohf

Week 4

Make bread every week. 

     Good. We tried putting olive oil in one batch and the second batch butter. I will let you know what I think. 

Floss my teeth daily. 

     Getting better. Most nights I am getting it done lately. 


Grow chilli peppers and trees. 

     Everything seems to be growing well. That is the beauty of plants. After they are in the dirt they mostly need water and some plant food. Also, my trees are getting buds. I was worried about the Japanese maple for a while. 


Exercise at least every other day. Spend time out of my wheelchair.

     I have decided that spending time out of my wheelchair includes standing up. It works all the muscles in my body. So standing works so many muscles. Never realized. 


Help Hildete study English, at least one hour every day. Help her learn enough English so she can get a job as she would like and so she can go to the nail salon by herself. 

     I am really trying but it seems to be hard to work with her. She studies duo lingo a lot. But other things she is a very hard to work with. We did finally get her social security card so she could get a job. The problem is most people around here speak English or Spanish. Portugese is a one off. I’m at a loss. Any suggestions?

Work on money daily at least five minutes; budgeting, planning, or accounting, where did the money go, daily and make sure I am saving. Learn to be a good Jew, about money. 

     I am going to choose one day a week that I work on budgeting for NEXT month. Money  management and planning is very important. I just hate how much things cost. The inflation over the past year or so. Getting some things paid down is not the easiest. Also, we have been running around so much this week it is hard to do things. 

Avoid Television as much as possible, listen to audio books, or spend time writing.

     I have been having a hard time avoiding the gravitational suck of black hole caused by the television. 

Learn poker. Several different games and help my wife and children learn it. 

    I have been lazy most this week and not wanting to do anything. 

Study gospel topics, Book of Mormon, General conference, Old Testament, New Testament, Doctrine & Covenants.

    I need to spend more time with the scriptures. That is why I need to avoid TV, YouTube and other black holes. 

Like I said running around a lot. One dentist appointment. One orthodontist appointment. One oral surgeon appointment. One appointment with the primary care doctor. One sleep study. This has been a busy week. 

Plus on top that we have to ride the bus most places. I have a car. But I don’t have a license. My wife is finally able to do her driver’s course now that she has her social security card, the biggest speed bumb is the course is in Spanish. Spanish and Portuguese are similar, not the same. 

I am so confused at how some people think that humans are just animals. I agree that humans and animals have similar characteristics, but saying that a human is “related” to any of the countless animals is a leap of faith at best, and a leap in the wrong direction. 

I agree that animals can share similar attributes to humans. That doesn’t mean I or anyone is related to a great ape or anything else.  

Most of the sciences have evolved into humanistic religions that try to convince everyone that they are the only “true” religion. 

In order to convince people that they are not a “religion” is by not calling themselves a religion. Religion is a type of dirty word now days.  As an example, I can say “fuck” and almost no one will bat an eye. If I say “religion” I have commented a sin and must be chastised in most society. 

In recent days, I want a house. I personally like my apartment in many ways. My wife thinks we should have a house. My children think the same thing. I don’t know if my stepson wants a house. 

The fact that I use a wheelchair and don’t drive adds a layer of difficulty that most people will never understand. I would like to have many things close. At the same time I want to live set apart from a city. 

In many ways I like London, England because it is more walkable than other cities I know. The only city in the US, that I know, with similar walkability is New York. Living in New York seems like you are playing with your life, you have a death wish. Plus you add how expensive it is. No thank you. As lack luster as my life is, I seriously question anyone that wants to be there to live or anything. I wonder how miserable your life has become to have a man who had a stroke and uses a wheelchair feel sorry for you. That sounds almost condescending. Sorry if you take it that way.