
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

28 February 2023

So, how it’s going after one week 

Make bread every week. 

     Got it. It’s amazing how much bread we eat. 

Floss my teeth daily. 

Getting better


Grow chilli peppers and trees. 

The weather is warming up. Life is better. 


Exercise at least every other day. Spend time out of my wheelchair.

This is giving me some trouble. I don’t want to get out of my wheelchair because it requires so much energy to get back in. 


Help Hildete study English, at least one hour every a day. Help her learn enough English so she can get a job as she would like and so she can go to the nail salon by herself. 

         I think she is more motivated than I am. 

Work on money daily at least five minutes; budgeting, planning, or accounting, where did the money go, daily and make sure I am saving. Learn to be a good Jew, about money. 

     Very nice. Not a very good Jew yet. 

Avoid Television as much as possible, listen to audio books, or spend time writing.

   Not the best

Learn poker. Several different games and help my wife and children learn it. 

     The other night we dealt the cards and did five card draw. Whoever has the best hand wins everyone’s anty 

Study gospel topics, Book of Mormon, General conference, Old Testament, New Testament, Doctrine & Covenants.

     Not bad. 

So life has its ups and downs. I was supposed to receive a call from a gentleman at the VA after 7 business days. Well, the 7 business days ended yesterday. Still no call. So I called the Director’s Office this morning. Hopefully something will happen soon. Some things at the VA are awesome. Others not so much. 

I can live with the fact that money isn’t as plentiful as it was when I originally entered the system. I’m just dumbfounded that some people have enough brainpower to breath. Maybe some people think the same about me. 

But in other news, the weather here is awesome. 73 degrees and partly cloudy. Don’t you suckers that have snow wish you were here

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

21 February 2023…..a time to consider new things.

So I have been thinking about how to make myself more. I may be in a wheelchair but, I’m not dead yet. 

Most of these things I have listed seem very simple. It can be the simplest things that trip everyone the most. For example, a shoelace. A very simple thing, that can help a lot. 

So, I need to make myself accountable and I am going to use my blog to help do that. I may be in a wheelchair because of a stroke, but there are still things I would like to do. Some are not as easy as you might think. 

Some of the things I want to work on. 

Make bread every week. 

     Homemade bread is so much better than anything you can buy at a store. So easy. Water, Flour, Salt. I add a stick of butter to make the bread softer. That’s science. In someways I see that it helps life have meaning. 

Floss my teeth daily. 

     One of the very small, simple things that makes life better if you do it. 

Grow chilli peppers and trees. 

   I am still figuring this out. But my wonderful wife helps make this easier. It can be fun just to watch the changes over time. 

Excercise at least every other day. Spend time out of my wheelchair. 

     This is not as easy as you might think. It can make my legs so tired. 

Help Hildete study English, at least one hour every a day. Help her learn enough English so she can get a job as she would like and so she can go to the nail salon by herself. 

       My lovely wife studies like a maniac. Not everything seems to stick like she would like. I am open to suggestions if anyone wants to message me. I think she understands more than she thinks she does most days. But I know she would like to get a job. Most everything around here is English or Spanish. This will be interesting.  

Work on money daily at least five minutes; budgeting, planning, or accounting, where did the money go, daily and make sure I am saving. Learn to be a good Jew, about money. 

     This is almost to easy, so easy you don’t want to do it. But if you don’t do it for a week, it can become hard to catch up. I have been listening to Dave Ramsey, podcasts and audio books. I also found an audio book about money written by a rabbi, who is also a businessman. He doesn’t take a salary as a rabbi. Daniel Lapin. Very interesting, and insightful. So, for this I say, learn to be a good Jew, or child of Israel. God wants us all to learn to become rich and help others around us to work and become rich. Not prosperity gospel idea. Lots of unfortunate things can happen to good people. Lots of scoundrels are blessed with abundance. 

Avoid Television as much as possible, listen to audio books, or spend time writing.

     I watch to much television sometimes. That said there are a few shows I do like and it would pain me to go without. But I need to create a better schedule for watching TV. That said Television can be a good tool, especially in helping my wife and her son in learning English. Turning on the subtitles can help. The subtitles can be in almost any language, depending on the app. What a marvelous world at times. Books and audio books really give your imagination a workout. Writing to. 

Learn poker. Several different games and help my wife and children learn it. 

     This one might seem confusing to some people. I am not encouraging gambling. Poker is a game of chance. If all you do is pass out the cards and give everyone one shot based one the cards you get and maybe trade for. Me and my wife have been playing for a few weeks now. Blackjack, 5 card stud, 7 card stud. We are getting better at identifying hands. Seeing who has the better hand. Maybe someday we will start betting with jellybeans, pretzels, or something else consumable. I don’t want to encourage gambling. I just was to play stupid games. 

Study gospel topics daily, Book of Mormon, General conference, Old Testament, New Testament, Doctrine & Covenants.

     I think I can get this. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

15 February 2023……yesterday. Happy valentines?

I wrote most of this last night with some revisions this morning. Sorry if it’s choppy. 

I sent this to the VA patient advocate. 

I had a dentist appointment at the Randolph clinic at 2:00 yesterday afternoon. I was told I would be picked up at my house at 12:45. 

At 12:50 no one had arrived. I called and was on hold for five minutes. After someone answered I explain my situation to the gentleman, he puts me on hold for another five minutes and after he comes back on the line says I have to wait 15-20 minutes. 

After 20 minutes I called back. I was told my ride would be there shortly.


After the ride arrived, we had 20 minutes to get there.


Thank goodness the trip should not be very long because I have to go to the dentist at Randolph Air Force base. 

The driver did well and got us there no problem, but I would like to know the law that requires them to put a strap across my chest? (Not part of the seatbelt strap) Some drivers do it others don’t. Honestly, it seems like more of a hazard to me. 

Then my appointment ended so I called and was told that my ride would be there in 45 minutes or maybe an hour. 

After a few minutes I noticed that the VA would close before my ride was scheduled to arrive to pick me up. I called back to the VA to find out what I do if the ride doesn’t get there before the VA closes at 4pm. The gentleman said I call after hours operator. He also said my ride was in route and should be 15-20 minutes. ?

So at 4:40, more than an hour  after I had originally called I was still waiting, The after hours gentleman , I use that word loosely, hung up on me twice. Said to call him back after five minutes then backtracked. Hopefully our ride arrive in 15 minutes. 

It’s 4:47 now as I write. 

I was told to call back at 5:00. I did. No one answered. By that time people that work at the Randolph Clinic are getting worried and asking me questions. Finally I got thought because the one air force sergeant encouraged me to call. She heard how long the phone rang before someone answered. I always have my phone on speaker. 

Then at almost 5:30 and shadows are getting longer and my wife who is traveling with me, because she is my assistant, I am in a wheelchair and my movement is restricted because of stroke/brain injury, my wife was ready to bawl. The person that was routing calls at the VA put me though to Arcadian. (The company that the VA contacts with to provide rides) I was told again that we would be picked up it 15-20 minutes, the lady I spoke with said the driver went 15-20 minutes out of his way because he didn’t know where Randolph Air Force base was. I listen to there stories. Then I spoke with Complaints. Between the VA And Arcadian essentially throwing each other under the bus, and me wanting to be home hours ago, this was a very good example of incompetence at every level of the chain of command except the bottom. 

I am beyond disgusted we were not picked up until about 6:00 pm. The driver said  he was just assigned. The driver, dispatch, after hours operator in the emergency department, all gave me different reasons the ride was late and gave different time frame when the ride would get there. There were so many stories flying around by this time my head was spinning. 

I thought I would try the VA travel again, since it has been, I believe over a year since I last used the service. 

Nothing has improved or changed since I last used the service. I would dare say it has gotten worse. 

I do not want ANYONE from the travel department to contact me. Specifically  gentlemen named _______ , ______________, or __________. _______, I think the head of travel department, would gaslight me, trying to convince me how things used to work never happened. Russell’s supervisor, Mr. _______, was at one time helpful. Then because I disagreed with what he said one day he hung up on me. Mr. Bradley’s supervisor, Mr. ____ told me, because I was the only veteran that complained about the travel shortcomings one day, that meant the shortcomings never happened. 

I do not wish to be contacted by the three individuals listed above or anyone in the travel department. If the director or his immediate staff wish to contact me that is fine. 

I have no plan or intention to use VA travel service in the future, if I can avoid it. Until I have proof positive that things have been changed to a way that works for all veterans the travel service, especially in concert with Arcadian, is abysmal . 

I am more than willing to work together with someone to help improve things if someone will ask my opinion.

 But I have learned from experience that I am just another veteran and need to just shut up once in a while in certain things. There are countless wonderful people that have helped me and work at the VA. I seriously qdoubt if any of the good people have any influence in the travel department most of the individuals I have spoken to seem apologetic about the flaws. 

One “reason” I was given at one time that no one in the travel department can work after 4:00 is because of union agreements. I would dare say until all veterans are home from there appointments SOMEONE should be manning the travel department directly and it should not be pushed to night staff who are not as well trained in that area. 


Just my thoughts and concerns from yesterday. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

13 February 2023……ugh, what a dumb time of the year

I was reading and listening to general conference talk of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I saved it to my Facebook page if you want to check it out.


The Eternal principle of Love. By Elder Hugo Montoya.


Suddenly, the fact came to my mind that my children are not just my children, they are my spiritual brothers and sister. 

We, everyone that lives on earth, are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. I know and knew this but I guess I needed a reminder. 

It is still my responsibility to help my children because I am their earthly father, but they are also my spiritual brothers and sister. A very special relationship and responsibility exists. 

Every person on earth is a brother or a sister, a “neighbor”. But some of our brothers and sisters were given the opportunity to have a slightly different relationship with one another. We are still brothers and sisters. We are still neighbors. But a parent child relationship should be different. It should have a different tone to it. We should care for each other differently. If we think about the love that Heavenly Father has for each of us, hopefully each of us has similar love for our earthly children. 

That doesn’t mean we do everything for them so they can’t do anything for themselves. But the relationship is and should be different. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

8 February 2023……wow

Even if you’re 49 years old, somedays you just need to talk with your mom. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

7 February 2023

 I have had the opportunity/misfortune to read a historical account someone brought to my attention. I want to say some forced it on me, but I chose to read it. It brought to mind this area of scripture. There is to much to include here but one part of a section of Doctrine & Covenants came to mind. The rest is amazingly important as well. I suggest you reread it. 

Doctrine & Covenants 121

 35 Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson—

36 That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness.

37 That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.

38 Behold, ere he is aware, he is left unto himself, to kick against the pricks, to persecute the saints, and to fight against God.

I seriously wonder about some accounts I read or have read from the1800s. 

I dare not try and apply 21st century sensibility to judge 19th century thinking and understanding. 

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the Ones who have the ultimate say. Everyone that came before or after is just a place holder for them. 

I do not know or understand everything about the Gospel or Christ’s church. I do not need to understand everything. 

I know God the Father and Jesus love me. I love them. 

I can do my best to love and tolerate everything my brothers and sisters, my neighbors, do. (I’m not fond of garbage bags left haphazardly all over my apartment complex, waiting for someone else to clean everything up)

Personally I think some people, except life to be lemonade and lemon cake. Any lemons or yucky, less gratifying happening, and maybe they think God doesn’t love them. 

Looking at life, thinking that God only loves you if you are “prosperous” is a very narrow way to look at God and this life he has blessed you with.