I was reading general conference talks and pondering.
It would be very hard to convince me that Alma the younger or Paul had faith when they had their experiences.
The experience was to humble them.
Alma had to reach into his past memories. And it wasn’t fast. He said he was struggling for three days and three nights.
Paul saw the light and heard the voice on the road to Damascus, but he was still blind for the three days after. Left with his own thoughts. Probably praying a lot. Required to contemplate the situation.
It would take a lot to convince me that either one of them had faith. But they developed faith, some might say rather quickly. Instead of weeks or years it was days.
They each had to have their weaknesses shown to them. And it happened in, what we may call, a very miraculous manner. But these are two examples that happened long ago, and how many billions of people have lived and died since then.
We can have faith, but we need to have the desire. To have the desire we need be humble or we will most likely be humbled.
Is it possible that Alma or Paul could have rejected their experience. Maybe.
I want to write more but others have done better than I could.
Acts 9
Mosiah 27
Alma 36