
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

14 May 2024….dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb

One thing I can say is that I am glad that I already know English and I don’t have to learn it at this point in my life. 

That said, I am helping my wife study, some days we read and listen to general conference talks together. She will read some herself. 

As I have helped her study, I have made a decision. English is the most idiotic language.

I know Portuguese, kind of. I lived in Brazil 30 years ago. I decided to study Japanese. Both of those languages have the occasional oddity in words and spelling. English is just a giant goose egg.

 English; French, German, Japanese, Native American, Spanish, Latin, Anglosaxton, old Norse, I’m sure there are more. And people who speak English can rarely speak any other languages. 

Still we are trying. 


 This year is election year in the United States. 

This year it has two people that are less than stellar but president Biden has more against him than Donald Trump. 

If for no other reason than the Afghanistan debacle Joe Biden has no business being president. 

There are lots of reasons not to vote for Joe Biden. Hunter is not his father, but daddy condoning his obvious behavior. Hunter being a waste of skin is not entirely his fathers fault at this point in his life. I’m sure Joe Loves Hunter, but that is not the point. 

The United States deserves much better.

The members of the Biden cabinet are questionable at best. Some of the apologetics in congress are very questionable. 

Personally, I would like to see more political parties, at least five, fifty would be better, then all of the politicians would have to work together despite their differences. Then there would have to be co-operation. At this point in time I would say there should be a constitutional amendment that requires more political parties and endorses more. I want to see people working together.

While I hate the Biden administration and I think they are trying to destroy America, I see the chief rival President Trump, as not as bad, but a great deceiver. 

One reporter that I like, laid out a pretty convincing case as to why Donald Trump is becoming a politician. And I can say I have a very low opinion of politicians. 

This year is the year of the lesser of two evils that are running for president. The blind leading the stupid. 

Who’s blind. 

Who’s stupid. 

You choose. 

I pretty sure that the current president, Joe Biden, is incapable of a lot. 

President Trump is not a Republican. And lots of his stuff is lip service. That said I like most things on his website.

That said. I think during the last election some people said never Trump. But they never said who they want. This is so misguided it’s hard to begin. 

So you know what you don’t want. Great. 

Now the truly important question. What DO you want. 

Anyone can not want something. Fine. 

Does that mean the other choices offered are what you want.