I have become more and more convinced that Kamala Harris is just a placeholder for the Democrat nominee.
She was not voted for by anyone.
Before she became the “nominee” she was the most unpopular vice president in American history.
I can’t see any redeeming feature for her or her runningmate.
I made a post on Facebook the other day.
One lady I know responded with “she is younger than 60.” Should people that are older than 60 be offended?
Sorry being 60, that’s not much of an accomplishment. Lots of people are younger than 60. I don’t think being older than 60 has anything to do with your mental capacity. Some people are very mentally acute up until the day they die, be it 90 or 100. Others not quite so much.(humans are a very faulty AI creation.)
Our current president for example is a great example of a walking potato.
I would dare say Donald Trump could probably run mental circles around me and most people I know including the lady that responded to my post.
She is very smart. I would not deny her that, but I do question her ability to have emotional reasoning in the matter of Donald Trump running for political office.
Personally, I would like the whole world to vote for Trump. I would say he is being forced to run as a Republican when he is not really a Republican, but some people who have taken control of the Democrat party are so far left that they are not really Democrats, they are just Left. Democrat and Republican don’t mean much since I was little in the 1980s. At that point in time they both wanted what was best for the country. Now I question if……
Personally, I would really like it if there were maybe 20 different political parties that were forced to work together and make different kinds of coalitions that have to give and take. Any laws that favor a specific political party should be done away with so that we can have many more political parties enter the arena.
I have seen several different people posting that they will be voting for Kamala Harris. They may be a doctor. They may be an attorney. They may be all kinds of things. I would dare saying that whatever they are they have been hoodwinked into voting for a very questionable individual.
Sidenote, I knew a woman who was convinced that Bill Clinton was the greatest individual that has been born, to the point she wanted him to be her “boyfriend”. Despite the fact that there is overwhelming evidence that he is to say the least a womanizer. So the ability to think rationally is a very difficult and refined skill for some people.
Anybody can vote for whoever they like, or no one, if that suits them. The fact that some people have the ability to form words should not be the defining characteristic of giving people the right to vote. This is where I have a little bit of a personal problem with everyone voting. Some people don’t have anymore sense than a potato. But they can still vote. Some days I think everyone should vote. Other days I think there should be some kind of limiting factor. So I am not exactly sure what the best thing to say would be.
It’s kind of like painting a room. You may be very excited about doing it, but that does not mean you have the skill to do it well. I have seen people that are very excited about painting a room. After they finish, I wonder if they were blind. Then there are people who are very aware of all the factors that go into painting a room well.