So I was was thinking. This time about the creation. My own thoughts, just thoughts. Please correct me if you think I need correcting.
In Genesis 1 it says,
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
So we are in the image of God.
It’s almost the difference between a Yugo and a Cadillac. No a very good comparison.
It would be similar to someone building a 57 Chevy in their garage out of fiberglass. It’s still a replica, not the real thing.
God is the Father of our spirits. No fault or problem there.
One Person was God the Father’s physical offspring. Jesus Christ. So physically perfect sired physically perfect. No disconnect between the hardware and the operating system, so to speak.
The rest of us where created from the dust of the earth. We all look similar to God but humans “operating systems” and hardware are not perfectly in sync yet. We humans are physically incapable of being perfect right now.
Why am I even thinking about this.
Well most people know I use a wheelchair. My body seems to be molding itself into the wheelchair. I very much hate it, sometimes it hurts a lot. But this is but a moment. Granted, it’s seems like a moment that goes on forever sometimes. My hardware, my body, including my brain, are broken, not running at peek human efficiency. But I would dare say that I can still run circles around some people about certain subjects.
There are so many faults between our physical hardware, our bodies and minds, and our spirits.