
Wednesday, November 20, 2024

20 November 2024….dumb thoughts

So I was was thinking. This time about the creation. My own thoughts, just thoughts. Please correct me if you think I need correcting.

In Genesis 1 it says,

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

So we are in the image of God. 

It’s almost the difference between a Yugo and a Cadillac. No a very good comparison. 

It would be similar to someone building a 57 Chevy in their garage out of fiberglass. It’s still a replica, not the real thing. 

God is the Father of our spirits. No fault or problem there. 

One Person was God the Father’s physical offspring. Jesus Christ. So physically perfect sired physically perfect. No disconnect between the hardware and the operating system, so to speak. 

The rest of us where created from the dust of the earth. We all look similar to God but humans “operating systems” and hardware are not perfectly in sync yet. We humans are physically incapable of being perfect right now. 

Why am I even thinking about this. 

Well most people know I use a wheelchair. My body seems to be molding itself into the wheelchair. I very much hate it, sometimes it hurts a lot. But this is but a moment. Granted, it’s seems like a moment that goes on forever sometimes. My hardware, my body, including my brain, are broken, not running at peek human efficiency. But I would dare say that I can still run circles around some people about certain subjects. 

There are so many faults between our physical hardware, our bodies and minds, and our spirits.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

14 November 2024….something needs to be done

I just sent this to President Trump. 

Honestly don’t think I will hear anything back. Not the point. 

Dear President Trump

I agree that the department of education should not exist. That said it should be rolled into the department of Labor. Education is essential to becoming a laborer, be it a brain surgeon or a plumber. 

While I agree that something needs to be done, and it is a very complex issue I hope something can be done to combine the departments. 

I would write more but I had a stroke that effected my ability to write a lot. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

10 November 2024…..whatever

I have to laugh. I saw a picture a professor at BYU, the university I went to and graduated from, shared a copy of a scripture. Mosiah 29:26-27

26 Now it is not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the people to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it your law—to do your business by the voice of the people.

27 And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land.

He feels like President Trump is the problem. 

I feel the opposite. Thank Goodness we didn’t get Kamala. 

I find it funny how one scripture can be interpreted in two ways that oppose each other so much. 

Some people are having such strong feelings, especially about the person that didn’t win the race. 

I’m not the biggest BYU fan, even though I went there. If I had had a professor that posted something like that when I was there, I probably would have dropped out. But, I think there is so much bureaucracy at BYU that any revelation has a very hard time making it to the students. Of course that was over 20 years ago. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

8 November 2024……rain sucks

 I am in watching YouTube and reading on Facebook, as normal. 

I am kind of disgusted by all of the comments by people, and some of the talking heads that the majority of the country must be some kind of idiots.

The presidential election is over. Present Trump won the electoral college and the popular vote. Then most of the people wanted him to be the new president, again.

Personally I would say he was the only logical choice. 

If you don’t like the idea President Trump I bet you a box of Girl Scout cookies your life will be as good or better than it has been. 

If any concentration camps are open, I state before God and the world, I will go with whoever asks, if that person is being forced against their will.


That said, we have a new president elect and in a few months he will be the president again. 

I am beyond disgusted at all of the condescending remarks by people I would say are good and smart people. 

An adulterer and murder was the leader of a country. That man was king David. most people would say king David was one of the greatest of all men who has lived on earth, that doesn’t change the fact that he was an adulterer and a murderer.

If you can’t tell, I like the idea that President Trump is going to be in charge of lots of things in the country again. 

What I hate, the most is the condescending attitude of people who think they know better than half the country. I dare say there are lots of people who are probably smarter than anyone commenting, that did not vote for Trump and there are probably lots of people who are not as smart of people, who did vote for Trump. Just because you didn’t vote for Trump doesn’t mean you’re smarter. It just means you know ho to comment. I would dare say right now. I am probably smarter than most of them. Lots of people who voted for Harris. I am not smarter than all of them, but I would dare say most, meaning 51%.

I have friends and family who voted for Harris, I think. I think that is ridiculous, idea that anyone  would vote for Harris, but everyone in America is entitled to throw their vote whatever way they want, someone who voted for the libertarian or green parties or whatever party they want to.

So we have a new President, that we had before.

This is all our country. We all need to help make America great, according to the dictates of our conscience.