In lots of ways, I live in a perfect storm.
This morning, for example it snowed last night. Granted not a lot, but considering it hasn’t snowed for three years it is quite a thing here. So it is freezing outside and my plants are mostly outside. I hope they survive.
Why are the plants outside? Well, we are in the process of moving. We have so many boxes inside the apartment that I can hardly move my wheelchair. I can go from my bedroom to the front door and bathroom and maybe the kitchen. It is ridiculous. This world really was made for walking people. People in wheelchairs are second class citizens in many ways. That’s why I call most walking people “you people”.
Then I’d like to exercise, my body really needs it. I really don’t want to live forever, but my quality of life is much better if I exercise. I may have to take up high risk hobbie(skydiving, bungee jumping, etc.,) and maybe I can die sooner.I bought myself a rowing machine, but that ended up being too hard, and a feet of acrobatics to get on and off, the rowing machine is not easy to get on and off. .
So I bought a recumbent bicycle. Much easier to get on and off. And I use an app that lets me see different areas around the world that people have video recorded while they were riding their bicycle, but today, maybe because it’s so cold, the video was buffering like I was using dial up Internet, until the last 10 seconds of the video, then it was clear and smooth, but the previous 30 minutes was pathetic.
In lots of ways, my life sucks but in many other ways, my life is OK.