
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014

You may take this any way you want, I don't care. Sara and I shared a statement. Part of that statement went like this. 

" If you have any questions, please direct them to both of us.  We are united in this. We will continue to work together on Nathan's recovery and on raising our children. Our relationship will be different, but we will still be there for each other."

What part of talk to both of us,Sara AND Nathan, do people not understand? 

I can get very upset if you want me to. 

Some people just seem to want to put there noses in our business. Please stop. Desist. If you want to talk to one of us be prepared to talk with both Sara AND Nathan. Otherwise the answer is no and we can talk about something else. 

 I love my Sara more than anything. That may sound strange to some people but its a fact. I don't want to hear another word about it. Is she not perfect? Yes. 
Like it has been said the whole need no physician.  She has what I would say are her fair share of faults. So do I.
She has been here to see me  almost everyday.  Who else can say that?  I am grateful for all that she has done for me and continues to do for me. Plus, she is the mother of four very energetic kids. Please shut up because she has decided to come see me. You are talking about the mother of my children and the one person I hold most dear. I am probably preaching to the choir so be it.

"Pure religion and undefiled before god and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and the widows in there affliction..."(New Testament, James 1:27)   I am pretty sure I would or could fall into one of the categories listed.  I want to ask one more time, please plan on talking to her and me if you want to talk about things. Otherwise please be quiet concerning the matter.  

You may think that if you are talking about things and one of us is not there you are ok. Please stop anyway.  It maybe hard for some. Please don't talk anyway. I know this may be difficult if not impossible for some. Tough.  Do you think I wanted to have a stroke. Let's all put on our big people underwear and be adults about things. 

How much thing can change in one day. You might know soon enough.  

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