If someone wants to help me with some sewing that would be very helpful.
I used to be awesome at sewing I could do all kinds of things. Not everything but I was freaking awesome.
I always took pride in the fact that I could sew better than most women. I was good.
Maybe that's part of the reason....well whatever.
The kids want robes. Hard to find for boys. Even harder when you want what they want.
They are their fathers kids.
Part of the reason that i started sewing is so I could make the clothes I wanted. You could get clothes that would fit me but not that I liked. If you put on top of that the fact that I am from a very small town I was just out of luck. So I learned to make the clothes I wanted more.
I am getting ready to go on a trip to Colorado. I wanted to go last year but to many moves and other things got in the way. I plan to buy some winter weather clothes. But we will see when I get there. I am flying and I really hope that all goes well with my chair. I get kind of nervous giving my chair to baggage handlers. I think if everyone had to hand over there legs then they got on an airplane we would have a much safer world. It my be a dream but I am still aloud I think. Dreams haven't been outlawed yet?
I am not going to lie I am tired and I don't know what to write more.