
Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday 12 June 2015......just thinking. Yea I gotta stop.

I have been reflecting. I had a stroke on the left side of my brian. That is the side of your brain that is which deals with more logic and reason. The right side of the brain is more used for emotions. Now I can be very logical. In fact I could most likely run logic circles around many people. The thing is the right side of my brian is fine. It is the more emotional side. The right side of my brain probably overwhelms the left side and it is very easy for me to get emotional. I can get so emotional that I hate what I can do sometimes. It's like I know very well what is proper but the emotional part of my brain takes control of the situation. I can be very calm and logical but that means I have to remain very stone faced most of the time. So there are times that I am very expressionless. That doesn't mean that I am not having fun. 
I can cry uncontrollably. I can laugh uncontrollably. My emotions are a mess. 
There are days when it really sucks to be me. 
I have thought that if I had had my stroke to much earlier in the over all time line I probably would not have survived. I'm not sure exactly what the time frame would be. I am pretty sure there would have been a time that in the early stages of my stroke that I would be left for dead. Not that I want to be dead but that's a different story. 

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