
Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday, 7 December 2015.......Blah.

I am going to share something I have had to endure for a long time. 
My last name is CHRISTIANSEN not CHRISTENSEN. Both fine names. One is my name, the other is not. 
My name Christiansen. KRISTY-AN-SEN or KRICHY-AN-SEN.
Christensen. KRISTEN-SEN. Or how ever they want it pronounced. 
That my be an over simplification. It will do. 
Some people may think I'm picking at nits. Maybe. 
Your name could be spelled G-E-O-R-G-E but you pronounce it FRED. Who am I to say your wrong. 
My point is your name is yours. 
Are there absolute right and wrong at times? Sure. Names are a little more flexible. But please get mine right. 

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