11 April 2017
I have felt crumby. Maybe I was lazy. Maybe I'm just easily distracted. It's quite a life.
I spent a lot of time on the phone yesterday. I had to call the post office 23 times before I spoke with someone. Not my idea of a good time.
Still I wonder if I'm the only person in the world that has to break things down to the smallest that it will go. The lest common denominator, as I call it. I have noticed that there are people that say they don't like something. Then, they do the same thing themselves. Very frustrating and confusing.
Sometimes I just want to leave the world behind. I could. Why don't I? I need my children. I hope they need me.
I have been laying around and feeling so worthless. I so badly want to do something. I have no strength. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
16 April 2017
I have been so consistently tired. Even more than normal. I sleep great. I am eating. It's truly baffling. I mean being tired is a state of being for me. Still this seems different. I might need to go to the doctor and let them tell me there is nothing wrong. Weird.
Yesterday I just sat at home and did nothing. Normally I'm at home anyway, but I'm doing something. Yesterday I didn't want to do anything.
I hate the way I am still so tired at the end of the days I do nothing. There are days I will still push myself to keep going. I've had to accept the fact I can only do so much. I'm not Superman anymore. Everything around me is some form of kryptonite. There were days before my stroke that others said they got tired watching me because I would move so fast at times.
For good or bad I will still push myself at times. I have learned that I may be recovering for two days maybe a week after. I hate it but it is part of my life.
I went and did everything that I need for a passport. Now wait. Five weeks they said. Ug. That's life.
After my passport, I need my visa. But I don't want to get to far a head of myself.
Lately I have been feeling all the muscles in my body. I hope that means I'm getting tough. In many ways it just makes me tired.
9 May 2017
So one guess.
Yesterday I spent most of the morning getting ready for my sons birthday.
The afternoon I just rested. At night we Went to dinner.
16 May 2017
Yesterday I went to the store to get some things I needed.
After I arrived at home I was tired beyond belief. That happens.
I ate a whole bag of chips by myself. Tostitos Limon. Very yummy.
I spent a lot of time recovering and watching TV.
I'm learning to write code for iPads. I am enjoying it. I don't know why I didn't start doing it in my previous life, when I was younger. In many ways it has the things I most need and want. I spent some time studying it some more.
I don't know about my life some days. In many ways I feel like my life, because of my stroke, is to serve as a warning to others. I can do a lot more than most people think. Still there are many things I cannot do myself. It drives me nuts, and probably always will. Some people think they have to do everything for me. Then if I let them know I want to do something myself, the person withdraws and doesn't offer any service to me. Drives me nuts.
Can I please have my body back to how it was before my stroke?
19 May 2017
So I am sore everyday. I'm tired in some form everyday. I want to do countless things. There is no way I could do most of them.
For most everything, besides using the toilet and showering, I need help in some form. I can do a heck of a lot more than most people think. That said there are things that I have to look for something that can make life easier for me. New shoes. Traveling companion. Someone who can drive me.
We watched a play my son helped with last nigh. Very fun.
Then we went to eat. Very fun.
I was so tired at the end of the day.
20 May 2017
Church had a talent show last night. My son played his drums. He was awesome. I don't say that just because I’m his dad. He is good. 12 years old and amazing. He wants to do everything. Like I used to be. I hope I'm not that way still.
21 May 2017
My children are so energetic. I wish I could keep up with them. Some days it's easy. Other days it's hard. Yesterday was a little harder. It was still a lot of fun.
One son had an activity for school. Everyone else went to this breakfast that is for Wounded Warriors and there families. My children love it. I like it to.
The children played for a while. It looked like it might rain, so we left a little earlier than other days.
My son was worried about his bank account, so we checked on that.
When we got home I actually took a nap. I hate naps. I guess I needed it.
We had diner with my neighbor.
We watched the movie "Trolls" because my daughter wanted to. It was really good.
I almost forgot that some people needed shoes because the shoes they have are broken. Last thing of the day we went to the store to get some shoes. I'm not sure I liked that overall because shoes seem to be so expensive. Still it was something we needed.
Even though I hate naps, I might need to see how I can make them work for me.
25 May 2017
I've had so many ups and downs the past few days it makes me wonder. How I feel from day to day is a mystery. Part of me just wants to rest and sleep all the time. I know that would not be good. I get so tired and I don't want to do anything for a day or two after Most times. I don't know the best answer. I like to think I always have the perfect answer even though I know I don't.
I went to the gym yesterday. It is starting to have the visible effects I would like. It's only taken a year and a half.
When I'm at home I only want to watch TV. Well that's not all I want to do. That's the only thing I have strength to do most days. I want to read but books are hard for me to manage and I end up wanting to fall asleep. Very not cool in many ways. Audio books put me to sleep. I don't know what to do.
In many ways I feel like a "barracks rat". Never going out unless I absolutely must. Sure I know have had and have my own problems. Still we all feel certain ways at times.
I hate it when people say I should not feel a certain way. We are all entitled to feel what ever we feel. Granted at times reality does not really fit with what we think we see. At times we can be our own worst enemy. At times we need help to see reality. That doesn't mean we are not entitled to our own thoughts, however much the thoughts don't mesh with reality.
My son had his band concert yesterday. He sure loves it. He's awesome to. Just don't tell him I don't want it to go to his head.
I spent a lot of time on the phone. That is what you do when people are far away.
26 May 2017
There are things I can do. There are things I can't do.
28 May 2017
Yesterday was interesting. I felt great in the morning much more tired in the afternoon.
Went to breakfast in the morning. Had my nails done. Went home after. I was so tired after that. At times I still think I should have more strength than I have. It's hard to know how the day will go.
Right now my back is tired I can feel each muscle.
What a life.