
Monday, September 17, 2018

17 September 2018.......I’m going to be a fat boy when I grow up

17 September 2018

We had to do some cement work the other day, so I was stuck I’m the house for the day. Not my idea of a good time. Still it gave me a chance to rest. Some people may say, “why don’t you get out more?” I want to push myself and go see more than is reasonable. I make people that walk tired at times. But we went to the mall the other day. Towards the end of our time there I was ready to bawl. My fiancée doesn’t like it when I cry and I try not to. I can get very easily overwhelmed. It’s just life with a brain injury. 

Anyway, now I have a more easy time getting in and out of the house. I still have a very hard time with cobblestone streets and ramps that are very steep. We were at church yesterday. Some outside ramps, but all the doors into the church building have a step up. Not my idea of a good time. Once I was in the building, everything was great. That is something I have noticed about a lot of church buildings I’m general, handicap accessibility is an afterthought. Temples, and churches, a lot of money is spent to retrofit something that could have been more easily done in the first place. 

The Temple I go to most was built in 2005. Still after it was built a ramp was built and an elevator installed outside so persons, like myself can even get inside the Temple. At the time of the open house I could walk so I didn’t have to worry about things like ramps. I very much have to worry about things like that now. 

Being in Brazil has opened my eyes even more to things like handicap access. In the US I never realized how accessible things are. Some things in the US are nominal at best. Things in Brazil, even more so. 

Still I love it here. If I’m not careful I am going to get so fat I don’t fit in my wheelchair. I love the food. If I could eat all day I would.  At the moment I’m ok. 

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