Running type exercise. *Legs exercise. *
I think I will give myself more standing time right now.
Write every morning.
Traveling can make writing hard.
Floss teeth
Meh. Really got to quit being lazy.
I guess.
Not bad not the best.
No robbing/borrowing from savings
So far so good.
No Facebook until after budgeting is done *daily*
Spend time in nature
Read Book of Mormon daily *Read New Testament daily*
So I am in Brazil again to see my fiancée.
I still don’t like certain things like how hot and sticky it is all the time. We have a fan, but I have been looking into getting some kind of air conditioning so I can function. I have been inside most of the time for the past 6 years. Sure, I go outside. But after I go out I go back inside pretty quickly. So air conditioning has become a necessity for me.
I bruised my hand I’m not sure exactly how but near my finger I’ve been watching the colors change around it.
I’ve decided that on this trip I can only go out twice a week, and one of those times will be when I go to church. I get tired to easily. I will go out and sit but me trying to drive my chair on cobblestone streets is a joke. If we had a car, it wouldn’t be bad to drive around. We don’t have a car. We get an Uber, still some of the cars that come to get us may not hold my wheelchair. Everything has been good so far.
Now, I have one major problem when I come here. I like the food, maybe to much at times. I want to constantly eat, because I like Brazilian food. That said, i also like to fit into my clothes and wheelchair. Clothes I could buy more. A new wheelchair probably not. I don’t have nearly as much incidental movements as most people. Therefore it is less likely that I will burn the calories. So I drink a lot of water, because I need to stay hydrated from the heat, but also helps me not want to eat as much. Is it the perfect plan, no. It’s better than any other I have. If you think I might die send me a message of some kind, I get texts. Facebook messenger works. Email works. Say what you want, just remember I may or may not use your advice. Not because it’s not good advice, but I’m a big boy and can choose some things for myself.
So a few weeks ago I had a person disagree with me. Some accusations were made about me and I decided to respond. I welcome any opinions that anyone wants to share. I don’t believe I am infallible, but I do know I can, and usually am, right more than I am wrong. If people think I need to rethink the way I think about myself, let me know.
My friend is in quotes.
“Except that you go off topic regularly and then harangue others when they post similarities to topic about going off topic”
I don’t go off topic. Hardly ever. Aggressive? Very debatable.
“And you berate people about living in their own world and alternate reality when they express a differing opinion, and support said opinion.”
Really I try never to berate people. I would appreciate any examples you can share.
“If others don’t agree with you, using your own stream of logic, you verbally assault them.”
Rebut, maybe. Assault, never I would hope.
“You post about Christian ideas and love, but have no care for others who don’t act they way you desire. Instead you wish punishment upon them.”
Examples please. I don’t want this to happen, but if it is help me correct it. When have I wished punishment? If that is a reference to me informing about illegal immigration, your complaint there is laughable.
“ You express a bitterness to those who are different from you while claiming to be inclusive, tolerable, and open minded.”
Examples please.
“During the past few years your postings have been all but that.”
“It is disheartening that someone I thought was open and loving as Christ’s example, seems to instead be intolerable and anti-inclusive.”
“I am not God. It is not my place to decide who deserves help and care, but to follow the example of compassion and help when asked.”
Not sure what to make of this last part. If you don’t like what I post, no one i is forcing you to read anything I post.
So I would say you see my ideas as wrong minded. That’s fine. I can live with that.
If you would like to give me examples then I can understand better what you mean.
For the most part everything I share on Facebook is related, albeit loosely at times.
I don’t mind having different ideas than you about common goals. But if you have different goals entirely I’m sure I probably won’t agree with you. But I might be surprised by something you have to say.
If you want to respond back that is totally up to you.
So I never received any response. If you want more context. Look at my Facebook.