
Friday, May 24, 2019

24 May 2019........well

Running type exercise. *Legs exercise. *

So running is out of the question. I have been stretching my legs as best as I can. My chair gets in the way at times. I have been standing and that is getting easier. Everything is still hard. 

Write every morning. 

Some days recently I have felt so broken. Brazil is not an easy place to live. 

Floss teeth 

Still need to floss. I have been using mouthwash. 




So I have been rethinking what I mean about budgeting. In the traditional sence I have been doing my budget. Figure out before the month starts how I will be spending my money. I’ve got that. What I was doing is tracking my dairy spending. At times that is easy, nothing. At times very hard. So I was reading and had the idea that I need to put some of my money in a “holding” account, and then transfer some back to my regular checking account. That way I have money if I need it. The beautiful thing is if I don’t use it one week it’s still there the next week. 

No robbing/borrowing from savings 

Much better now that I have figured out a new system. 

No Facebook until after budgeting is done *daily*

Not sure this is relevant now. 

Spend time in nature

I really need to go outside more. But I will concede it has been raining. 

Read Book of Mormon daily *Read New Testament daily*

I have been reading Book of Mormon in English and Portuguese. One thing I have noticed is there are so many similarities between our days now and what is described in the book of Helaman. Also, some teachings in the New Testament are as plane as the nose one your face. Some things are confusing. Study and prayer. Helps find the answers. 

I wish I could move easier. It is so boring to sit in the house most if the time. I would love to go out more. There is a lot to see. 

Still the wheelchair I have does not have the best wheels for being outside. I could use a different wheelchair but then there is no possibility of it fitting in a car here. I doubt it would go through the door of the house where I am staying. 

One thing I have to remember to do is not talk so much. At times I like to talk but it makes me so tired. I need my strength talking just makes me tired. People want to think they are smarter than me because they can talk faster than me. Still I know I am smarter in countless ways. Still, I have to remember that I an in Brazil. Some things are different here. No matter how wrong minded I think something is it’s usually just different. So what do I do at times?

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