
Saturday, August 3, 2019

3 August 2019

Running type exercise. *Legs exercise. *

I need to do something, anything. I have been acting tired and that doesn’t help. 

Write every morning. 

I have been acting like I am to tired. That makes me not want to do anything. 

Floss teeth 

I have been doing this. 


My volunteer work has been donating what I can. I can’t do much else but I can donate. 


I need to make a regular schedule. 

No robbing/borrowing from savings 


No Facebook until after budgeting is done *daily*

Not sure this is relevant now. 

Spend time in nature


Read Book of Mormon daily *Read New Testament daily*

So I finished the New Testament. Now I think that I need to go back and reread again since we are focusing on New Testament in church. 

“stand as witnesses” of the gospel at all times—and when necessary, use words.

29 July 

I want to say so much. It just doesn’t help at times. We all have our superpower. Mine is listening. Listening requires not talking. I like to talk. Listening is more important I would say. At times we have to talk. 

My children have been with me for a while. It has been fun, tiring, a never ending thrilling ride. 

Tires the heck out of me. 

August 3

So some people my not understand why I use a tablet for almost everything. Pens and pencils are very hard for me to use. I have a stylus but prefer to use my fingers. It is hard to hold a stylus. Books are wonderful,so I keep them on my tablet. It is much easier to turn pages. Paper and ink books I just destroy. 

But I love having quick access to almost everything I need. Some things I still keep just in a hard copy. Still I’m not as paranoid as I used to be. Some paranoia is justified but in my physical state not much. 

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