
Thursday, August 13, 2020

13 August 2020....I’m glad I don’t want much broadcast TV. The world is insane.

The other day I read an article that my uncle had posted and makes Mr Joe Biden sound good in many ways. Now he’s announced his running mate and I would say that there is no way I would vote for him. Little likelihood of me voting for him anyway. 

But after researching his intended policies the intended policies in the article, it’s full of half truths. 

One example. 


Federal land in his home state Pensilvania is 2.5%. 

As President he would not have control over the rest. Just the federal lands. Fracking would still go on as normal on state owned lands. 

In Utah, federal land is 64.9% of the state. Wyoming 48.1% 

Lots of people would be effected. Especially in my home town, Vernal, Utah and many other parts of the surrounding areas. It’s easy not to think or worry about some things that are further away.  

Now, the state of Utah gets most of its money for education from oil revenues. Where does most of the oil come from in the state. Uintah basin, Vernal and the surrounding area. 

So, it doesn’t take to much of a logical jump to assume that if Mr. Biden becomes president he will attempt to impose restrictions on fracking. That would lead to a very limited amount of money for education in Utah. Most of the money that the state of Utah uses for education comes from the oil industry. 

If I am wrong someone please correct me. 

The article was great article and painted Mr Biden in a great light. If it was sharing full truths that would be wonderful. I hate to even think about other misinformation it’s sharing. 

For eastern states it’s more applicable than western states. 

We live in a world that is stupid lately. If you watch the news you become more stupid. 

A picture of me. I wish my beard would come grow faster. 

So a little about my goals. 

Running type exercise

I need to do something. 

Write every morning. 

I’m still not doing as much writing as I want. But I have been getting some done. 

Floss teeth 

Not bad 




I need to do better. 

No robbing/borrowing from savings 


Spend time in nature



Read Book of Mormon daily Read General conference talks daily 

Not bad

Bake at least one loaf of bread a week month , hopefully sourdough.

I think I am not the person that can do sourdough will, maybe I will just stick with other. 

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