
Thursday, January 13, 2022

13 January 2022….free at last

I am so upset with the VA. 

 I have been trying to call for months. I was calling and sending electronic messages. I was upset. In some ways I still am. I call the directors office. And I send a message to the patient advocate office. 

Then I got a call a couple hours later. By the end of the conversation he let me know that since I was the only veteran that made any complaint, I am therefore the only one it happened to. I know for a fact that I am not the only one. I would dare say lots of other veterans are content with mediocrity. 

I want to find some kind of device that will allow me to record my interactions there at the VA. Some things that happen there are very good and I can’t sing enough praise. Then there are moments that are so bad, like this time I want to cry. 

But to end on a slightly more pleasant note, I got my car all paid off. 

The dealership that I got it at will not be getting anymore of my business. I had a loan ready to go with my credit union. Then after I told them the interest rate my credit union had given me I thought they were going to try and beat it, so I went with the dealership. 

Fast forward and I look at the interest rate for the loan.  I was getting raped on the interest rate. 24%. I have had lots of crap to deal with on my credit score thanks to things on my credit score. Divorce will do that to you. 

 Right at that moment I decided to pay it off as soon as I could. 

Well, it is paid off now. I think I will try to be less dumb in the future.

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