
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

29 November 2022……I would be a walking contradiction, if I could walk.

Most of what I share right now is based on my personal perspective in life, that said I think there is truth in it. If you don’t like what I have written that is fine. 

I have a very troubled opinion about theater/film/acting and anything related to them  and also, college/university in general. Education is very important. Still college/university is not the only way to get an education. There are so many good ways to educate yourself. College MAY be an option. 

First I have a college degree in theater and I used to have a teaching certificate. I was, and am, a very good teacher, but that is another story, for another time. Today I am talking about my university education in Theater/film. 

I love acting, costume design, set design and construction and many things associated with all that area. I love the teaching potential that exists with it.  I love to watch it. It is marvelous in so many ways. Theater and film can be a wonderful teaching tool. They need to be incorporated into more aspects of education. 

That said, the gospel of Jesus Christ is more important. I love the teaching potential that theater/film provide. If you do announce your conversation to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and his church, it’s easy to be black listed, dismissed from schools you are studying from or the industry in general. I know very few people that went through the theater/film/acting program that hold firm to the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are people that probably “believe” but seem to hide the light they may have. As far as I can tell most are still good people in many ways, but the fire they used to have is gone. They seem to have a very good life still, but many seem to advertise achievements that are riding on the coattails of someone else, achievements by loose association. I have known people that had major rolls in church films, that for whatever reason are no longer in the film anymore or the film is impossible to find. I see it that any associated connection with the church or the gospel of Jesus Christ is a type of professional suicide.

My other concern/pet peeve is how theater/film especially acting is not taken seriously. I myself have a hard time taking someone with an acting degree, or most people who have a degree in theater or film seriously, and I have a theater degree.  Most of the jobs in theater/film and acting specifically, don’t require a degree. There are organizations in the film industry that want people to have a four year degree. But I still know people without degrees that work in that specific film area. A four year degree makes as much since in theater/film as it does for being an officer in the military most of the time. That’s another story also.


Theater/film and everything associated with it in most college studies, should not ever be an option as a major at all. Minor, special emphasis, something other than a major degree track for most people. Most of the professors should be professionals in the industry, in some form. If it is taught at university/college level it needs support from subjects that are not seen as being frivolous. I personally think everyone should have at least a minor in business. Business is the common denominator in everything. Art business , Healthcare business, engineering business, etc.,etc.  I could go on but I think you get the idea. Again, I love theater/film and most everything associated with it. That said I have seen firsthand the lack of respect and credibility anyone with a theater/film degree is given. I’ve been told theater is “The Study of Life”. That’s, I would say, a nice way of saying, “ jack of all trades master of none.”

Someone with a degree, doctorate in theater history and criticism, said they had a degree in history. The response was, “No you don’t. Theater history is not History.”

If you don’t work in theater/film it would be very difficult to “fake” your way through. It is, in many ways, a world of its own. That said, persons who work in theater/film are forced to work with the real world most of the time. 

Now, to finish, I am still sorely tempted to get headshots (pictures) and put together a resume so I can see what maybe is available for something like me. (Wheelchair bound, bearded, balding, with difficulty speaking) But it would take my time away from my chilli peppers. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

19 November 2022… much remembering recently.

I am so annoyed and angry at my stroke right now. 

My mother is having difficulties. I want to help, but my brain injury causes me to go over board and act idiotic. I have first hand information that could be helpful. That said the emotional part of my brain is to dominate for this situation. I want to help but everything I know and understand is very laden with the emotional part of this situation, because I had it happen to me already. 

I called my uncle and even though he was a great sounding board, he probably understood the situation better than I ever could and helped me to just vent and understand that it is a very emotional situation for all my siblings, but didn’t say that directly. 

Even though I have trained myself to be less emotional about many situations. I can get overwhelmed easily. The emotional part of my brain is the dominant part. I have, somehow, trained myself not to cry at everything, so much so, that when I need to cry I can’t. That said I was driving with my children the other day and I wanted to bawl for some reason. 

So recently I have been bombarded with emotional difficulties. 

Life is a pain. 

My wife has been helping me make bread. Everything bakes ok so far. It just doesn’t seem to mix up and rise like we want it to. We have made some awesome sourdough bread. It is definitely a slower process than using store bought yeast. But I am learning how to be more understanding of how long the process takes. 

I have other concerns. 

The elections past. Not much has changed. Most politicians are still scoundrels. Democrats, Republicans, most of them are not worth the time it takes to vote. I still vote. But I have little hope that any good will come from voting. Elections are not much more than a pacifier to the public at large. 

Reading and looking at that last paragraph, I must be more cynical than I realize. I like to think of myself as pragmatic. Still the only true pragmatist I think I have ever known is my grandpa. He may never have called himself a pragmatist, he was just himself. I sure miss his wisdom. I have a very difficult time describing his wisdom at times, because it seemed to be full of contractions. Still, some of the best wisdom.