I decided I had to write. So I hope you don't mind.
Yesterday was one of the worse days I have had for a while. But I was able to find a place that needed to be fixed. Some times I have the thought that I found at despair.com. "It may be that the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others." Well if that's not the purpose of my life yesterday sure seemed like it.
I went into my room to workout and as I was on my bed and getting up onto way knees I lost my balance and I fell off the bed. This would not been so bad if I had fallen left but I fell right and was between the bed and the wall.
Since it was not such a bad position all things considering I decided to take a nap. That went well but then I woke up.
I thought I could just lay there all the while and wait until someone got home. Guess not. I decided to sit up. Not the easiest task in my condition or position.
I think it took me an hour or more to get out from behind the bed. I would scoot a little bit and I thought I was not moving for a while, but when I discovered that I was moving some. So I kept trying and soon I was out from behind the bed.
Now to get on to the bed. Easy right? Wrong. After I rested for a while I tried to get on to the bed. I thought it would be fairly easy I don't know how many times I tried to get up but it was not as easy as I thought. It was finally time that my mom and her husband came home. What happened started at around 3:00 and mom got home around 7:30 plus or minus.
I never got on to the bed.
I was so upset I did not know what to do I just started bawling.
I can do a lot more than I could last year but I still can't do what I think I should.
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