So I decided to go to the emergency room. I have been feeling kind of crumby recently. I guess I could just die and I wouldn't have to cause some people anymore misery. Just in case you didn't get it that was sarcasm. I wouldn't want to die because then I wouldn't be around to annoy other people. Just in case you need to know that was sarcasm also. I'm full of them. Or am I full of it. Probably both.
I will say so everyone knows again. I don't talk nearly as much as I used to. I used to talk insensately before my stroke. Since my stroke I have discovered the joy of not saying anything. I have discovered this an amazing way to learn things. Listening. I know it is a difficult concept for some people to grasp but it involves not saying anything.
A few quotes I appreciate, "it's better to let people think you a fool than to open your mouth and prove them right." "If people were supposed to talk more than they listen we would have been born with two mouths and one ear." I am sure there are countless more. The short version of the long story is this, I don't talk as much as I used to. Partly I can't. It takes so much energy to talk that it is a real chore. Another thing, talking while I am eating can make me choke. Mealtime conversation can be great. Please don't include me. I am funny I know but I enjoy and like living.
I went to the emergency room Monday. I was there for 6 hours. Not my idea of a good time. To make a long story short, I have pneumonia. It is really no fun. I last had it that I remember over 20 years ago in Brazil. It was less fun then. Not that it's fun now. I have really felt tired. Nothing new. But I really want to do nothing.
I am srry that you are not feeling well; praying for a speedy recovery. If sarcasm, not speaking much and blogging makes you happy, go for it. It's all good. Makes good therapy, I say. Don't let nobody or nothing get you down. You are a very strong individual and all this, you shall overcome. Just keep believing.