I was told that two young boys like the gifts I chose for them.
I would like to say it was is because of my general awesomeness and years of experience. I would be more inclined to say that it is because I am more childlike, childish and have the mentality of a five year old. Whatever the reason I am very glad that they like there gifts.
I don't know what to say right now.
I have been thinking. I know in many ways I need to stop. I just can't seem to stop.
The fact that I have come to is this....There are so many situations that sometimes truth can seem subjective. There is ultimate truth. Not everything is subjective. What the "ultimate" truth is for all situations I would not dare to say I know. There are so many possible situations we my find ourselves in. We can know what we each individually need to do. Life is not just "whatever" or something like that. Life is complicated and messy in so many ways.
My life can be miserable in so many ways. Still I wouldn't trade my life with anyone. If you think you want to try my life I really would not recommend it.
Something that I have been thinking about for a long time is my diet. I have been toying with the idea of vegetarianism. I honestly don't think I could give up eating meat. I like it to much. Animals are yummy. At least the ones I've tried. The point. I'm thinking that I will only eat meat when I go out to eat. When I'm at home I'll eat plants. I'm sure some people are probably having fits because I say that. Meat is not as essential for protein as most people think.
I love to eat meat. Brazilian steakhouses are wonderful. The only reason I don't like them is you can eat as much meat as you like. Meat seems to make me smell bad. Maybe it's just me. The simple fact is I have to live with myself and I don't like to smell myself. There are a lot of options to get protein. There are more options than we want to admit.
One thing I learned while living in Brazil is there are more options for ways we can live and stay alive than we want to admit. There are principles that can help us live better. We as humans know so few of them.
I feel I need to say this again.
I don't talk much. Not because I don't have anything to say. Sometimes I have a lot to say. I do not want to give people a reason to talk about my life. Is it controlling? Maybe. I see it as more self control. Instead of expecting others not to talk about me, I don't talk about myself. In many ways what others may say is pure speculation.
I am more than happy to talk about many thing with many people. I will say I learned the hard way, many years ago that I need to think a little bit more before I talk about somethings.
Once I talked to my grandpa about something. A few days later I heard about what I had spoken with my grandpa from my mom and my aunt. I love my grandpa, my mother, and my aunt dearly. I did not like how I thought something that I felt was a very personal topic, that I shared with one person in confidence, became a public matter. I came to the conclusion that I would need to be more careful about what I shared and who I shared it with.
Just because I don't share something, does not mean I don't love you. If I don't share something with you its because I don't know you well enough or I don't trust you with my information. Take your pick. I still love a lot of people. In this one area you just have to live with not knowing.
I want people to like me and I work very hard for that to happen. One reason I say very little most of the time is the saying, "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all". Also "it's better to let people think you a fool than to open your mouth and prove them right". Both sayings have their merit. Neither is perfect. I don't live by them perfectly. They help.
I am really unsure about a lot right now.