My peppers. Scorpion peppers. I love the fact that Texas has two growing seasons. The other one starts in a few months. I got a little bit of a late start, but since peppers are perennial I will just go into the next season. I hope it doesn’t snow and freeze in the months ahead like it did a few months ago.
So, 2012 was said to be the end of the Mayan calendar. The end of the world? Maybe the end of an epic.
Was it supposed to be the end of the world or did something unseen just change. Like a light-switch was flipped.
President Obama had four years.
President Trump had four years.
President Biden has had his few months.
It looks like the pendulum is swinging back and forth at an ever increasing rate.
Another analogy. Whatever “mortar” was holding the proverbial wall together simply evaporated at the end of 2012. Somethings will remain standing for a while. Eventually there will be a pile of rubble, metaphorically speaking.
But what do I honestly know? I’m not any kind of a prophet. I’m just a guy in a wheelchair that likes to watch TV shows about things that question conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom, whatever that is.
So I’ve thrown in my two cents.
New topic.
I had an insight. I was being attacked for something I wrote on Facebook. Ultimately it caused me to think.
Many years ago I took a political science class. One thing that stuck with me was the teacher’s definition for politics, “the art of living”. I’ve always liked that definition. Still that has not been something I personally believed. Politics, for me has always been a more compartmentalized thing.
Many people see politics as something you live every day. Honestly I have tried to avoid anything overtly “political” for years. Impossible, I know.
That is how I see life.
Everything is spiritual/religious.
Some people my try to compartmentalize spirituality or religion. I try to compartmentalize politics. Neither one should, or can be relegated to a second position. They both constantly battle for first position but neither can be first because neither can be. At the same time they have very minimal interaction with each other, barely acknowledging each other at times and other times tripping all over each other.
The way I view religion/spiritual matters is that everything we do is somehow spiritual/religious in nature. Politics, while it does exists, is only there for some of our interactions with other humans. Religion/spirituality is more about our interactions with God.
That is a better way to look at it. Spirituality/religion is about our interactions with God. Politics is about our interactions with humans.
Do some humans worry about other humans interactions with God? Yes. They try. Ultimately any persons relationship with God is very personal. Religion/spirituality is more about our relationship with God. Politics is about our interactions with humankind. Religion and spirituality are almost identical in my book. Not the same. Still you can’t have one without the other.
Some things that are both religious and political:
Making our food or eating our food.
Me going to work or choosing what I want to do when I grow up.
Marriage or family matters.
You could write an endless list.
Politics and spirituality/religion are very intertwined. Almost inseparable.