I find it interesting that some people think the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about logic and reason. I would say it’s not. I find it interesting that some people consider feeling and emotion more important.
The gospel of Jesus Christ must have both. In many ways it makes no sense. If I were to use just logic or just emotion I could justify almost anything.
That is why we need the Holy Ghost to meld our logic/reason and our emotions/feelings together.
If I could explain how excited I am that my pepper plants are fruiting I would. It is so exciting.
I bought several different kinds of pepper seeds. I don’t think I have the space to grow more than one or two plants at a time. I don’t want my porch area to turn into a jungle.
So I will just have to limit the amount I plant for right now.
I went a little overboard on plants.
I had just a lemon tree for a while.
Then I’ve had two rosemary plants that died for different reasons.
Now that pot has a Birdseye pepper.
My son and I wanted an ice cream banana. It was very little when we got it. It’s really big now. Sometimes I wonder if that was the best thing to buy.😐
I had two pineapple plants that were doing wonderful. Then our Texas snow and freeze happened. They didn’t live.
So I planted my tomato and one of my peppers were the pineapples had been.
Then because I had soil and pots, I planted another pineapple, it’s doing well. Also my tomato was growing like crazy. So my son helped me prune it but because I had pots we planted the branches and now they have buds. I need to ask him to come and take them to his moms house.
So needless to say, I have to many plants at the moment. It’s a good thing they are all outside.
I am so fed up with the VA right now. They do very good work most of the time. But overall they rarely communicate when they change something.
For example, VA transportation. I don’t drive so I can have them pick me up for my appointments. Nice of them.
Do they tell you what the phone number to call is?
Do they tell you if it changes?
Do they tell you if there is a change in process for getting picked up?
I can tell you no to all those questions and many more things.
It is similar if you are in a wheelchair. Communication with veterans seems to be very low on the priority list. Procedures change so often that it makes your head spin trying to keep up with what is changing. Even if changes happen only once a year, there are so many changes because there are so many departments, it is hard to figure out what is going on most of the time.
I have to call and follow up on more changes that just got implemented with the new fiscal year. Ugh.