Happy Columbus Day. Really it ought to be Columbus/Leif Erickson/ Native American Day. They all did their part.
I got a text telling me that I should encourage my children to get “schooling”. So I guess I need to clarify. Education is important. It has always been important. College, in the modern world, less so.
If you want to go to college, go. No one is stopping you. It’s not totally worthless. But I would say it served more of a purpose when my parents went. By the time I went it was almost worthless. It still had value that could be found. If you go now I pray that God may have mercy on your soul. Honestly it can still be good, but the options are so hard to find and it is so expensive.
Since the 1970s it has gone downhill because most colleges are trying to be a type of amusement park. Just be very careful about what you major in. Minor in business or marketing if you go to college. Everything is related to business or marketing in some way. Point. Find a degree that would be valuable to the rest of the world. It is to easy to get a degree in an area that no one values.
I have a BA that I can really do nothing with. I could write but writing tires me out so badly, and it is very slow with just one finger. I love what I studied. Just because you love something does not mean that is what you should do. Think about what will people will pay you for.
Then I got a masters degree. I thought it would help me be a millionaire. As if. In many ways I see the area of study I got my masters degree in as a secular religion. Pagan religions have more logic. In many ways it is good stuff to know. I went to do some training for Boy Scouts and it was exactly the same. The other thing is because the degree is considered a traditional “female” profession the pay is generally less.
Anyway, education is important. College is not the only education you can get. Go learn to be a taxidermist. Learn to maintain port-a-potties and maybe you can learn how to build a better one. Learn to install cable/internet. Learn how to weld. Be a car mechanic. Education takes many forms.
There are still things that need a university degree of some kind. Doctors, Lawyers, military officers, teachers. I don’t look on a college degree nearly as highly as I used to. It can still be valuable if you get a degree in the right subjects.
Look at the department of labor and department of education websites. They give some pretty good information.
So my peppers.
My tomato.
My cat
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