The peppers I am growing are getting past flowers. Now they have fruit. That is something I find interesting. Peppers are Fruit. I can’t remember the exact definition but I did see it once.
I just got done mixing my bread. It is so nice to have home made bread. Store bread is awful. Even the bakery bread is not as good.
So I wrote a while back that anger is just an emotion. Not good or bad. Just an emotion.
In part I still feel that way. But in a way I have expanded on my thoughts.
Overall anger directed at a person, not good. Anger directed at a situation, or thing is not the same.
For example. Hating abuse. Good. Hating the abuser. That is a more slippery slope.
Related, peace, non violent, and harmless.
I think we should always strive to be peaceful. But to be peaceful you can only be two things. Non-violent or harmless. There is a different.
Harmless is incapable of causing harm. For example that would describe most babies. For sure babies are cute and they can hurt you, especially if they accidentally head butt you in the nose. I’ve been there before. But overall a baby is harmless. They don’t sit there contemplating how they are going to hurt someone, at least that I am aware. Babies are harmless.
Non-violent is a very different thing. Basically, a person or entity is capable of causing harm or violence. But the person or entity chooses not to cause the harm or violence they are capable of. I can think of a couple examples.
First, The Savior. At the time he was betrayed he said “ Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?” Plus he healed the man who was with the group arresting him. Sounds very non-violent to me.
Also, and some people may not agree, the US after WWII in Japan. The US could have said this is ours. Japan is a defeated nation. This land(Japan) is ours now. Ultimately, the US didn’t do that. Some people may not like what was ultimately done. That said, there isn’t much that Japan doesn’t sell to the US. The US could have gone and destroyed Japan. Ultimately the US helped build Japan back.
So that is two examples of non-violence.
Harmless is not the same as non-violence.
I have to apply this to me somehow. I am the most Harmless person in many ways. A two year old could beat me up. It’s happened.
That said if I had to save someone and all I can do I drive my wheelchair extra fast so I can maybe help I will.
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