
Friday, September 23, 2022

21-23 September 2021….what a life.

So I have been watching TV almost all day. 
I have been noticing how my emotions react to some scenes. I want to start bawling, but the only reason I don’t, because I feel like I have to clench my buttcheeks and toss my head backwards slightly. What a life. 
I seem to be going backwards to try and make some advances forward. I have started going to a gym that focuses on people in wheelchairs and other disabilities. Quite a workout. 

As I was reading scripture and studying, Isaiah, the thought came to my mind God has always been a God of miracles. Some of the miracles were more obvious in old times. 
The increase in miracles has been happening for a long time. Lots of people have been a part of a miracle, whether they admit it or not. The thing is we live around so many miracles it is difficult to accept some things as miracles. 
For example cell phones and tablets, that is a miracle, but it is a miracle that snuck up on most of us. We live in a time of not stop miracles. Lights, heaters, toasters, photography, air fryers there are so many little miracles, it’s no wonder that many people think that miracles have ceased. Miracles have not ceased. The are everywhere. We can not wake up in the morning and not find a miracle in our bathroom, running water, hot and cold water. 
Supermarkets are a huge miracle. I can go to one and buy everything I need to make bread. I can go to most supermarkets and buy bread. Lots of different kinds. (The kind I can make is still better), but if you want to buy bread you can. Some things are just fun ideas, like avocado toast. 
So, I can understand why people think there are no miracles, almost everything around us, in the US, and many other nations, is a miracle. 
But I guess some people think that if everything is a miracle, nothing is a miracle. 
My biggest concern is that some people don’t want miracles to happen because they don’t recognize anything as being a miracle.
Most of us need miracles for out very survival. We rely on them more and more all the time, and there are people who, unwittingly, want us to try and live without miracles. 

Friday, September 16, 2022

16 September 2022… surprise, I had a stroke

I am fighting mad today. One of the people I loathe most in this planet said in a text to me that I use the fact that I had a stroke as an “excuse” for my “bad behavior”. 
That makes it sound like I choose to be in a wheelchair and every that goes along with it. 
The brain is responsible for at least three main functions. Movement for your body. Intelligence. Emotions. 
I have extreme difficulty with all at times. 
It’s painfully obvious I have physical difficulties. I use an electric wheelchair. I can not talk like most people. If you wanted you could ask a two year old to pull me out of my chair and start whaling on me. 
Intelligence, I don’t do to bad, but there are things I don’t remember from the time of my stroke. Overall I can still run intellectual circles around people. 
Emotions are painful for me. I can be the nicest person in the whole world. Or I can be a raving lunatic who thinks he’s smarter than god.  And I will not back down no matter how wrong I am. 
I had someone accuse me of over playing the fact I had a stroke. 
The people that I don’t want to be around me, and would not want to put up with  my stupidity are usually never around me. 
The people I want around me are, at times, forced to put up with my bad behavior.
The irony is strong with this one.  
I think that I really need to practice not talking more. 
The only response I could offer to the piece of work that said what she did was,”I hope you never have a stroke yourself.”
There are many other things I would have rather been doing this last 9 years. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

10 September 2022….what a week

God save the Queen. Long live the king. 
It’s sad that the queen has passed away. It is the end of quite an amazing era. 
I am American and I am very proud of my heritage, but I like many British things especially since I spent time in England several years ago. I gained a incredible appreciation for the land.  When I was in London and almost everywhere in England, I could see my grandmother in my mind’s eye. I mentioned it to her when I came back to the US she was not shy in saying she would never want to go. Oh well. Now I understand the decision not to travel. Since the stroke I had it has become increasingly difficult to travel. So now, for the most part, I don’t travel. 

I started writing this yesterday. I got sidetracked. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

8 September 2022…..yuck

I fell really yucky. I feel like I have the flu, so I’m staying home and watching TV or listening to audio books. I might sit on my porch and look at my plants. 
The only good thing about being sick is not having to go anywhere. I don’t want other people to be sick. So I don’t go anywhere. 

I was watching a news report about schools. The overall slant was teachers unions are bad. In someways I am inclined to agree. But it is a very interesting balancing act. Teachers interests and Students interests need to be constantly tied for first place. Parents need to be considered more when children are younger. By the the time children are in high school, the parents interests should be a smaller part of the equation. 
Federal involvement in education should be minor. What happens in a coastal city is not the same as what happens in a landlocked state. Unless the federal government wants to treat all schools similar to the military, and make everything the same from sea to shining sea. 
Personally I think the states need to be treated like separate countries, in most things. But I do like postal roads and things like that. 

I have been so happy about my peppers, or chilis or whatever you prefer to call them. They are starting to make lots of flowers after the summer heat. Part of the time here in San Antonio it is to hot for anything to set fruit. Peppers are fruit. From about June through August it is so hot nothing will grow well. But in spring and autumn it is perfect for growing. The only problem is that all of the big box stores stop selling, or haven’t started selling garden stuff for the year. They generally sell things when it is to hot. Then in February we generally have a hard freeze, two years ago we had snow. I blame global warming. Climate change is just something that happens periodically. 
I am finally getting the hang of growing peppers in pots. Last year/winter, I brought the plants inside. I don’t think I will do that again. If the plants die from the cold that is just something I will have to live with. But maybe I can creat a bronchi (bonsai chili), look it up. 

There is part of me that only wants to write about things I can control, somewhat. Then there is a part of me that wants to talk about politics, mostly because it is cheap entertainment. That said I don’t see everything as political. I see everything as religious.   

Friday, September 2, 2022

2 September 2022….peppers/chilis

So this is my own opinion, but I think I might be right. 
In portugese, black pepper is called “pimenta do reino” , “pepper of the kingdom.” Chili peppers are called “pimentas”. 
Now here is my theory. Chili peppers became the pepper corns of poor people. Black pepper/pimenta do reino was the spice of the rich, especially the king and royalty. 
After chilis were discover in the Americas, poor classes of people could have spice in their food. It wasn’t real pepper, but it was close enough. 
So black pepper was the “real” royal pepper, chilis were a cheep alternative to black pepper.  
I was watching a show about chilis. Then I speak a little bit of Portuguese. I made the connection. Interesting. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

1 September 2022……ugh

So I am really not happy about groceries. I am easily paying 1.5 times more. Yes , I am married now. Yes, she has a son. Still she cooks for us and I have a lot less prepared food and pizza. Still I am paying a lot more. LGB. 
All the restaurants I go to are so much more than they were. LGB. 
Gas prices are coming down just in time for the November elections. LGB. 
The country is in a perpetual state of Let’s Go Brandon. 

Still there are good things. 
The Supreme Court has said States and individual citatezns are more than powerful than the Federal government.  
My peppers and trees are growing like gangbusters right now. 
The appointments for immigration or medical and dental stuff have been pretty good. 

So overall if you think the federal government is doing well, I truly question your thought process. 
If you can grow plants right now until November or December, because the weather is beautiful, why aren’t you. I would say medical school or law school are the only acceptable answers. 

I’m getting the impression, I’m on one right now