
Thursday, September 8, 2022

8 September 2022…..yuck

I fell really yucky. I feel like I have the flu, so I’m staying home and watching TV or listening to audio books. I might sit on my porch and look at my plants. 
The only good thing about being sick is not having to go anywhere. I don’t want other people to be sick. So I don’t go anywhere. 

I was watching a news report about schools. The overall slant was teachers unions are bad. In someways I am inclined to agree. But it is a very interesting balancing act. Teachers interests and Students interests need to be constantly tied for first place. Parents need to be considered more when children are younger. By the the time children are in high school, the parents interests should be a smaller part of the equation. 
Federal involvement in education should be minor. What happens in a coastal city is not the same as what happens in a landlocked state. Unless the federal government wants to treat all schools similar to the military, and make everything the same from sea to shining sea. 
Personally I think the states need to be treated like separate countries, in most things. But I do like postal roads and things like that. 

I have been so happy about my peppers, or chilis or whatever you prefer to call them. They are starting to make lots of flowers after the summer heat. Part of the time here in San Antonio it is to hot for anything to set fruit. Peppers are fruit. From about June through August it is so hot nothing will grow well. But in spring and autumn it is perfect for growing. The only problem is that all of the big box stores stop selling, or haven’t started selling garden stuff for the year. They generally sell things when it is to hot. Then in February we generally have a hard freeze, two years ago we had snow. I blame global warming. Climate change is just something that happens periodically. 
I am finally getting the hang of growing peppers in pots. Last year/winter, I brought the plants inside. I don’t think I will do that again. If the plants die from the cold that is just something I will have to live with. But maybe I can creat a bronchi (bonsai chili), look it up. 

There is part of me that only wants to write about things I can control, somewhat. Then there is a part of me that wants to talk about politics, mostly because it is cheap entertainment. That said I don’t see everything as political. I see everything as religious.   

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