Last week
This week has been a pretty good week. I have been doing a lot of therapies. I was hoping to have my diet would be upgraded but the doctor stopped the test because of aspiration fears. I was told it was the first time the test had been stopped like that. The doctors don't know what to make of me. I have been walking a lot more. It's not easy but I am standing a little taller and that is cool. I am just noticing my fingernails are getting longer and it's getting harder to type. I walked about 196 feet at the begging of the week. I am trying to stand and I can go for about ten minutes. A few months ago I thought it would be no problem to get up and easy to walk. It is not as easy as it looks. I like the therapists and the nurses are pretty cool. When I first became aware of what was going on with me I thought a would be up in a month at most and back to my self I guess it takes a little longer. I didn't understand want had gone on. Just an example I thought I could get up and go to church on my own. It was logical to me I had done it plenty of times before why not. I did not realize my new limits yet. Hope. All is well. Take care. If you do or don't like this let me know.