Happy new year everyone.
I was just looking and my mind started to think about things, specifically my chair.
If I didn't have my chair what a world this would be. My chair is very important to me.
One day the main braker was tripped on my chair. How? I don't know. It was the strangest thing I had experienced in my time in my chair. I went into a room and I had to be pushed out. It was weird and miserable. The nurses and aids and therapists there were all trying to figure out what had happened. I have a PDF version of the manul on my tablet so I was frantically trying to find something there.
The one nurse called over to the hospital wheelchair shop. It was the end of the work day, and a Friday. Things were not looking hopeful.
Sents I was able to move, I as quick as I could, I searched the PDF of my chair manual and I think I found the right answer. So I let someone know and they reset my chair. A man had been called already and was on his way. I am so greatful for the help that was given at the moment my chair stopped working that day. So many people were willing to help and it means so much.
The one lady said it was me, because I was able to find the right answer. But I am so grateful for all the help. It was truly inspiring. Thank you.
If I didn't have my chair I might go crazy. I was told I may have to go to am appointment in a different chair that some one would push. I was not ok with the idea.
My chair is in many respects a part of me. Would I walk if I could? Yes. I can't bend down and fit into tight places like I once could. And I really couldn't move well with out it.
So if I didn't have my chair life would be no fun.
Just to say a little. Am I the some person that I was before the stroke? Yes and no.
I don't think the stroke changed me to much. I have a greater tendency to cry now (that is saying a lot) and to be hyper emotional.
I think the biggest change to me came from being in the situation I was in when I became aware of what was going on.
When I "woke up" I tryed to talk, but I couldn't. At least not in a way that coułd be understood. If you were to have me talk now most people say they can understand me. To me I sound the way I have for a while, so please make sure you understand me please.
Think of everything you do with your mouth. I couldn't. Eating, talking. I couldn't do ether. The type of stroke I had made everything hard for was ask one night if I wanted two blankets. I responded in the affirmative. Bad choice. The two hospital blankets were to much for me to move at the time. I was stuck.
After some time I was different. I don't know when it occurred and I am not sure how. But I am different and the same. I would say that I am better in some ways now but I can't walk by myself yet.
Anyway happy new year.