
Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31, 2014

This is going to be a hard thing for some. We are all prejudice towards someone. Do I care who you are prejudice towards. Yes. 
I am sure most people don't think of themselves as prejustice. I am not saying it is a bad thing to be prejudiced but it can be damn inconvenient. Now I am not saying we should be or we are bad when our personal views come out but most of us myself included don't know what those are. 
I am going to use myself as an example for a while.
I am in a wheel chair. For the most part if you see a person in a wheelchair you want to subtract 100 IQ points wether we think we do that or not. Not that it is unwarranted in many occasions it is hard to know when you should and shouldn't do the things  we do. But you may have to live with the consequences. 
My emotional IQ is all out of wack. I had a really hard time not crying today. But what else is new. 
If someone wants me to do something it's not to hard for me to understand but it is hard for me to communicate. That gives people another reason to think that I am not so bright. 
At times I think to myself "why can't we all get along."  I know it is not a reasonable thought but I can have a lot of unreasonable thoughts. And the more emotional I get it doesn't help me because I can get hyper emotional. And the more emotional you get the perception of your IQ just gets lower. Just my luck. 
Well I intended to write more. I guess I will have to explain more later. 

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