
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

So maybe I am just a jerk.  I would like to think it is just the fact that I had a stroke that can make me so disagreeable at times. I really don't know what to think about it today. I can get so hyper-emotional at times.
My oldest son was made a Deacon at church today. I was the one who got to do the prayer for him. Congratulations big guy. Anyway the point is it was so hard for me not to cry that I was amazed I was able to finish. Sure I was a ball baby before my stroke, but this now seems to be 10 or 100 times worse. For the most part I have the laughter under control. It very rarely happens  now so I can't control it. But the being angry and the crying seem to be another story entirely.  
Maybe I will need to excuse myself so I can make myself more agreeable. I got upset at my mother today. All I can say I  can say is I felt something snap so to speak. And before I could do anything about it I was at the point of no return. I hate it when that happens. 
My father-in-law is a very kind person who helps me so much I can't tell half of what he does. He doesn't speak a lot, but he felt the need to tell me what a jerk I was being.  And why exactly I got upset at my mom on Mother's Day of all days....ugh. 
Maybe I am just a jerk. I hope it is just part of my stroke. After today I am not sure.

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