So this post?
Some people think I should move to a care facility. I have this to say. I will if you will.
I get very tired of people talking about me like I'm broken furniture they don't know what to do with.
It has been said to me why don't you move to Utah with your family.
What an idea. I can't believe I didn't think of it before. That was sarcasm by the way.
I could consider being a snow bird. I wouldn't want to stay in Utah. It's cold. Texas can be hot in the summer sometimes but at least it's not as cold as Utah in the winter.
I love my family. I love people at church.
The one thing that I have to say is the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
There my be undiscovered reasons why I should or could live somewhere else. The simple fact is I like it here. I like the people at church. My kids are here. A lot of my friends are here.
Just so everyone knows my life sucks in many ways. I do have a very good life in many ways. At the same time I wouldn't wish it on anyone. As I've said before having a stroke is not nearly as much fun as I may make it look.
I am very much an anomaly in many ways.
The most obvious is my stoke and diagnosis. My diagnosis is Locked-in-syndrome. Most people can only move their eyes. I'm kind of lucky I guess because I can move and interact with people in many ways. There are some things I can't do while I'm sitting up. There are things I can't do while laying down. Such is life.
Next I am an anomaly because of my birth. I am one generation removed from the Great Depression. My father was born in 1939 the year most say was the last year of the Great Depression. I would dare say that because it was a very small community my dad was born and grew up in the effects lingered there longer. I was the only one of my siblings to know my dads father in some form personally. He died in 1976 at the age of 74. My cousin that is the closest in age to me on my fathers side is ten years older than me. My father was the youngest in his family. My mother the oldest child in her family. My dad was ten years older than my mom.
I was born in 74. My siblings and I could be considered the children of my Grandma Aleda's old age. I remember going to visit her once when I was in college. She was living in a care facility by that time. I arrived unannounced. As soon as I turned the corner into the room she stayed in her face lit up. It was like nothing I had ever seen. She was a tough lady. I have compared myself to her many times. She had two strokes. She carried on amazingly though all of it. My mothers parents are a tough act to follow. I've never known kinder or more generous people.
Back to me. I do a lot for myself. It is surprising to some people how much I can do. If I had to do more for myself I could. When I have to do more for myself I usually end up bawling or swearing. Neither one is good. I hate needing people to help me with things. I've had to learn to accept help from others. Not the easiest thing for me to do. There have been times when my emotions win and take control of me. I say something and I am left to my own devices.
Everything I do requires a lot more energy than I think it should. Life is like that.
I have things I want to do. I have been visiting the veteran organizations to see if they can help somehow. I will try to ask my VA Doctor. It seems like I end up doing things the hard way.
I went to the VA for X-rays and some other things. It seems like I go out for an appointment and it ends up being an all day event.
I don't know why my mind automatically goes to the most complicated solution for a problem. I have been thinking about this one concern for months. The ideas I have are great. The best solution just needs a screwdriver. I am glad I finely came to the realization that a solution could be so simple. I've been doing all kinds of mental gymnastics to come up with a solution. I'm glad I thought of it before I spent any money.
I feel that I need to express something. At the church I attend we teach "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may." Now I know there are lots of different interpretations of this. Simple fact I really don't care if you worship the rock in your front yard that's your choice. Whatever the teachings are just do your best to live by them. Are there Latter-Day saints who I think are jerks? Of course. Are there people who claim other faiths that are jerks? It happens. The one thing I will say further is this. I think that most people who read this claim to be Christian. John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments." Also John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." Nuff said
Simple fact I can be a jerk like it was nobody else's business. I really hate it when it happens. I keep myself on a very tight leash so I don't become an emotional jerk. The more pleasant emotions can be a pain as will. Each there own kind of annoying. There are moments that I cannot control what comes out. One day I just couldn't stop laughing. Not a problem until I try to do something physical. I have very little control of my body then. My wife can make me laugh easily and it can be very hard to do things. I am an emotional basket case.
I've said to much. Have a nice day.