
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday 19 November 2015.......sigh.

Once upon a time I worked as a mental health professional. It sounds a lot cooler than it was. This one lady had been coming in for a while. I could not figure out what seemed to be troubling her. In an effort to get a better picture of the subject and the situation I ask her to have her husband come in. Now three years later I can see what part of the difficulty for the lady was. It was her husband. The person someone would hope would love her more than anything, was not allowing her to live down a problem from their past. The situation could have easily been reversed. I have begun to wonder how often we hold on to something from our own past or someone else's past. We are all well past perfect. We don't need someone else to actively remind us about how crumby we were and are. Hopefully others can help us see the good and the potential that each of us carry. It's a pipe dream I know. 
When I was in Officer Candidate School one of the instructors gave us an object lesson than was very hard to forget. We all had "smart books". If we didn't refer to them he gave us a rock to carry. Before the end everyone was carrying a rock. We had very little time and I have no idea how we could possibly look something up. That was part of the lesson. Are we using our resources and references? Are things that could help us weighing us down and becoming extra weight? Why don't we use them?  Are we weighing down our spouse or significant other. Are we doing our best to make the other person feel miserable? Wouldn't it be better to make other people feel better. 
Life sucks sometimes. That is not a reason to sacrifice another persons happiness. Someone once told me that in order to make sure I was happy most of the time I should focus on others needs.  I may need to do that more. 
There are so many reasons that I could be upset about life. That would not help if I shared them all. For the most part no one really cares. We my say we do, but we all have our own troubles. I'm not saying we shouldn't help each other. When it comes down to it.  Are we talking so that others can hear our thoughts or is help and helping really needed? It's a tough call we all have to make individually. Good luck. We all need it. 
I have been going to a gym. It can have its very challenging moments. I said I wanted to focus on activities on my left side. The one person felt that that could mean I could do the activities on my left side while standing. Bad idea. I think it took more energy to stand and do exercises than was reasonable. Just standing required more energy than the exercises I would say. I may look tough. I would say my 5-year-old could thrash me if she wanted to.