
Friday, October 12, 2018

12 October 2018.......yeah, and part 2 also

October 2? 2018

One thing I will never understand is how some people, myself included want to dictate and legislate the thoughts and actions of others. Some things we will never have control over. No matter what we my demand. 

Example, I can wear whatever clothes I want. After I wear those clothes I cannot control how others think. What someone thinks and does or doesn’t do is out of my control. 

Second example. I hate when people yell at others. I can ask that person to not yell but I cannot force that person to not yell. No matter how many times I ask, beg, whatever, I have one real power sometimes, I can walk away. Sure there are people we can’t just walk away from at times. Still, there are some. My son gave me an excellent example of this. He was in first grade at the time. His teacher wanted him tested. During the test he got to the 7th grade level. Then something in him just decided to walk away. At times we have to just walk away that is the only power we have in a situation. 

One example I like from a movie is from Star Trek. Kirk wants Scotty to sign for some torpedoes. Scotty says no. Ultimately Kirk fires Scotty because Scotty won’t sign a paper for the torpedos. Scotty felt strongly enough about it he let himself be fired. At times that my be all we can do. 

What can we do? What can’t we do?

I may not like something. Am I physically being forced to go along with it? 

Mentally coercion. That is a different story. 

Parents. Military. There are countless senários. Many different dynamics. Some situations my example would not work in. 

October 12 2018

So part 2. I am cutting my trip short. Not because I want to but because my body is not working like I would hope it should. I’m still engaged no problem there. 

My situation is this. I was so hungry the other day. 

For those who know me well, I rarely get hungry. The most confusing thing was that the other day I was always hungry. 

The other night I was really hungry. The next morning I was hungry. I suggested to my fiancée that we eat out. We still ate before we left. 

We went to the restaurant, churrascaria, all you care to eat. We got home. I was still hungry. I had dinner still before I went to bed. 

Yesterday was not to bad but I wanted to eat the entire refrigerator and all the food at one point. 

The point. I have not gotten hungry like that ever. I would eat and eat and would not get full. 

Right now I’m ok, I’m just turning into a fat boy. 

Just remember, if I die I will tell you. 

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