25 October 2018
So what I am going to write might sound a little hypocritical. If I can figure out a way to change my life I will if someone has suggestions for me I will gladly take them.
Driving is a scam so the car companies can sell more cars. You might say,”In this day and age we need cars.” In many ways I would agree with you. If I go out where I live the streets are all designed with cars in mind. If I go to down town San Antonio, where I live, cars were an after thought, I would say. Many places are like that.
We have to live with our reality, and our reality is that cars are a major part of our lives. I have my car and I am not going to go sell it because I think cars are a bad idea. I have lived without access to a car at times. I didn’t die.
As Americans, we live so spread out, we could live closer together. We could live closer to our work. We could live closer where we go to church. Lots of things could be different.
Why we do it is important but not nearly as important as the fact we do it. We have been collectively brainwashed to think that we must have cars for every aspect of our lives. For many things cars are needful. We have become victims of our own devices. All the money we spend on the car. All the money we spent on insurance. Gas. Maintenance.
I don’t have a perfect answer. There may not be a perfect answer. I can see in my minds eye what I would do in part. Still I have to live with the reality that I have. In many ways I love the reality we have in other ways it sucks. That’s life.
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