26 October 2018
Logic and reason are such fleeting things lately. We must have love and compassion. We must also have logic and reason.
Similar to justice and mercy.
I was watching some YouTube videos. I can understand a different opinion, but when someone is ask a very straight forward question, and the answer they provide is more evasive. I don’t understand.
I hate when people point out the flaws in my logic. It happens more than I would like. That said I am grateful. Not at the moment. Usually after I take a step back and look and think about it.
Since when do I have to like everything. Since when do I have to agree with everyone.
It is such a simple concept, but so incredibly difficult to understand because we have emotions. We must separate ourselves from all emotional distractions. If we get to emotional we stop our bodies from functioning the way we normally want our body to function. We are more than our emotions. We are more than logic. We must make the two work together. But they are like water and oil.
27 October 2017
I don’t understand. How people treat marriage like a toy. At least that is how I see it. I was looking at Facebook and another couple I know is divorced. I have real problems with that. Yes, I am divorced. No, it wasn’t my choice. I have never understood why someone really feels like they need to get divorced.
I understand there are totally justifiable reasons for getting divorced. My fiancée, I would say was very justified. Still, I would say that it is beyond confusing why two people, that have created more lives together, give up on each other.
28 October 2018
So I have decided that in my own way I will “fast” from the internet. Every Sunday I will not use the internet. So if I post something it will most likely be on Monday.
Someone please call me if the earth explodes on a Sunday.
I went to my sons play last night. “Little Shop of Horror”. He was Seymour. I had the same role twenty years ago. It was fun to see him.
I am mad about many things. I mean I am upset. In some ways I do not know what to do. In other ways I know exactly what to do.
The example of getting bitten by a snake. If a person gets bit by a poisonous snake do they chase after it or get medical care. If a person were bitten, chasing after the snake might send the poison though out the body faster. If you just were to get bitten, and just stop and let others help you get to medical care.
I may joke about dyeing, that doesn’t mean I want to die. I can think of 7 people that would be very sad and mad if I did die.
Point, I don’t need to go after all the snakes in this world. Some of the snakes my have been placed to keep me away from where The Lord doesn’t want me to go right now. I have seen glimpses of what the Lord might have done for me had I listened more or hadn’t been so headstrong. The Lord lets us do what we want, good or bad. He will guide us and show us the way. At times if we have been overly willful, He will give us a glimpse of what might have been. He wants us to get the idea that if we follow Him we will be better off. He is always giving us some kind of guidance. Are we listening?
If I were to chase the “snakes” in my life, it would consume all my time. I have much more important things I want, and need, to focus on.
31 October 2018
I have been thinking. President Trump has decided that birth right citizenship isn’t going to happen. Of course someone will say that he can’t do that. It will go to the Supreme Court and they will decide. Bold move Mr. President.
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